Your path into bloodlust - BaeBeyza - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sukuna was pissed.

The giant island with his first and oldest shrine suffered a sudden loss of pups. That entire land had been his and his alone for centuries and now he was losing more were-creatures than he created?

What was going on?

Were the filthy vermin he allowed to settle on his island rebelling? On his own island, Shuryo? Against him? A God?

Shuryo was his claimed land meant for his worshippers, his pups. He only allowed common mortals to walk his land with tributes paid in his name, and as prey for his pups to hunt and maim. And now they had the audacity to get out of line?

What the hell was happening?

Sukuna hadn’t cared to look down at the mortal realm for a while now, having gotten bored of it. This new revelation changed his mind and he needed to know which of the many human settlements on Shuryo wasn’t behaving.

… All of his dead pups were killed at the most southern parts of the island, the places where his influence was getting thinner and thinner. Almost non-existent. The very south had exactly one settlement of fishers. Sukuna could see it. Could see its citizens.

None of them looked like warriors who could take on his pups. The town had a stone wall to shield it from the wildlife but nothing more. Indeed, it had been a favourite spot to hunt prey. Every now and then one of his pups managed to break through the wall, kill a human and escape. Occasionally, the townsfolk managed to defend themselves but again – No warriors for the job. The men and women were fishing in waters without many fish, trying to reach other lands through sea travel for resources, many of them never returning. Drinkable water was scarce because the nearest source was in the wilderness.

Sukuna knew that settlement very well – Poor, lacking in everything. So how could they kill so many of his pups…?


Sukuna saw him.

One single warrior.

A young lad, pink hair, golden eyes. Those features pointed to him being an outsider to Shuryo. Brought along when one of their ships returned?

Sukuna could feel a blessing on that brat, did one of his many godly rivals want to mess with him? Or was this kid merely gifted? Or perhaps cursed?

The point remained that this brat alone killed so many of Sukuna’s dear puppies. And if no one in that settlement had warned him about the divine punishment that followed anyone who angered the God of the hunt, it was high time that Sukuna reminded them all.


Yuuji was in his own little hut, looking at all the maps he had drawn up in the past weeks. He knew a nest of were-creatures was somewhere in the woods and was determined to find them. They were attacking his village for decades and he was certain they worked within a pack. Making plans at daytime when they had human thoughts, and putting them into action once the moonlight turned them into monsters.

Yuuji was so lost in his drawings that he didn’t hear any steps until someone tapped him on the shoulder. Yuuji jumped and looked back, seeing the person everyone called grandfather.

“Grandpa-! You scared me!”

Grandfather Wasuke sat down next to him with a scoff. “Getting scared by a frail old man? And you call yourself a warrior?”

Yuuji laughed, relaxing all his senses and muscles. “No need to be wary while the sun shines. What brings you here? I would have visited you right away!”

Grandfather was one of the eldest of their village and was supposed to stay in bed. He was also one of the most stubborn of their village. “I can go wherever I want, whenever I want! I’ve been looking out for every single person living in this village and you are no exception. Yuuji,” Oh. That topic again. Yuuji heard the drop in grandpa’s voice. “Are you still determined to go into the woods each night?”

“Of course!” Honestly, Yuuji was tired of having to explain himself. “You know what my goal is.”

“And I had never allowed it. But you kept going and I didn’t do enough to stop you because of how strong you are. I told myself having one warrior in our village is a good thing. But son, why seek those monsters out?” Yuuji looked back at his maps, his mood souring. “Why not go back to simply keeping guard? … Yuuji, what if you go into the woods one night and don’t return?”

… Yuuji was well aware that grandpa was worried for him. Everyone was.

Yuuji was capable of taking those monsters out, all on his own. He had been tough all his life, stronger than most adults even at a young age, a master learner. He never got sick, it took a lot to injure him and he healed from everything in no time. He remembered when a werewolf had managed to get inside the settlement and killed a woman with her child, and how it had taken five grown adults to kill it with knives and fishing nets.

Everyone was worried for Yuuji’s safety but…. “Grandpa, if I don’t do this, who else will?”

A short, heavy silence filled the room.

“Yuuji. No one expects this from you.”

“I do.”

“Just stay here. Find a wife. Protect this village from the inside.”

“What if I’m not fast enough?” Yuuji looked back at his grandfather, his voice increasing in volume. “What if those monsters kill someone before I am able to reach them? You are old, you always lived fearing what lurks behind our walls, and so did I! But if I find those monsters’ den and put an end to them all, we won’t have to fear again! We could finally be free to venture outside and find resources to sustain us without having to rely on shipments. We could have a whole generation of children who won't live with fear for their life each night!”

Yuuji saw the disheartened look on grandpa’s face. Yuuji knew that he was right. Grandpa knew that too.

“… Grandpa. I know you want to keep me safe but let me do this. Only I can.”

“Who says you can even take an entire den of monsters?”

“I do. A single one never made me break a sweat.”

“Yuuji, you are not even from here.”

“That’s all the more reason to do it!” Yuuji got loud again. “You took me in even though I came as an outsider! Not just the village, but you specifically! You could have just let me die as the cursed child I clearly am but you didn’t! I need to pay you back!”

Grandpa let out a heavy sigh.

“Why did you have to copy my stubbornness, kid?”

“… We learn what we see.”

Another moment of silence stretched out between them, all until grandpa moved to stand. Yuuji helped him despite the protests.

“You know,” Grandpa said. “I knew you’d be trouble when I took you from that crib floating towards the shore. No way would a baby survive the whole journey from the mainland to Shuryo inside a basket like that. I can only imagine what you as a young adult are capable of.”

Yuuji’s soured mood lightened up again, smiling down at his ever-bad-back-having grandfather: “Well, I survived getting raised by you!”

“That’s nothing compared to raising you, stupid kid!”

The sun was slowly setting. Summer time had faded and it was getting darker sooner and much colder. Yuuji made use of his physical prowess to stay warm during his hunts, meaning he just ran all the time. He had little trouble seeing his surroundings, both due to knowing every corner, every grain and every stick, and because he was simply born with very good sight. Grandpa had cursed him many times for this as he had used this ability for harmless pranks. Just a scare every now and then. Yuuji had stopped that behaviour when he had witnessed his first monster attack. A friend of him was killed, a small boy, timid and shy.

That was the moment he swore to protect his village and make sure no more children would have to die at the hands of Shuryo’s cruel god – The God of the hunt, Sukuna.

Yuuji was slowly getting into territory that wasn’t familiar to him. The image of all his maps merged together behind his eyes, forming an idea of his surroundings. Somewhere near him must be a small waterfall. And behind that waterfall could be the monster den.

Yuuji ran farther into the woods, keeping as quiet as possible, and heard the waterfall and the first were-creature coming his way.

Yuuji fought with his fists.

Knives weren’t reliable. They could break. Most of the ones in his village weren’t sharp anyway. But his fists, those he could rely on. He never broke a single bone when ramming his fists into the snout of those monsters. He was the one breaking bones. He wrecked skulls and jaws, ribcages, arms and knees. His method didn’t leave much room for a swift and painless death. He tried, though. Sometimes he managed to hit the heart, destroying it and having the beast die instantly. But it was rare for the monsters to show their chests, begging for mercy.

Yuuji was right about the waterfall: Were-creatures came running from behind it. Finally. Yuuji found the den.

Yuuji didn’t think while he slayed those beasts. He never thought much when fighting. He let his instincts take over. Nothing could stop him from his rampage. He didn’t let the foul stench of blood and death distract him, neither the cold, the wetness, nor his own pain. He got a few slashes here and there and was bitten.

That bite caused him to lose function of his left arm, but he didn’t give up and kept going, until the last of the monsters laid dead by his feet.

Only then did he take a deep breath.

He got a bit carried away.

Yuuji looked around and saw blood mixing in with the river. He had ripped out body parts and sunk his fists and fingers into flesh. Over 20 giant were-creatures laid dead on the ground.

This must be it. The end. Maybe a few lone monsters were still inside these woods, but most of them must be dead.

Yuuji did it.

Pained and exhausted, Yuuji walked back to his village. He tried to run but the wounds in his legs kept him from it. He tried to close his wounds as best as he could as to not pass out from blood loss.

It was cold and he felt it in his bones. His vision blurred every few seconds. But he was determined to make it back. He had to. Grandpa would rip his soul from the afterlife and beat the crap out of him if he died now.

Yuuji tried not to think about dying. Instead, he thought about coming home, telling everyone that he finally found the den and slayed all the beasts. He couldn’t wait to see all those relieved faces. He couldn’t wait to recover and lead little groups into the woods to fetch water and berries. To teach little boys and girls how to hunt little animals and cook them. Maybe he could do what grandpa talked about and find a wife. He wasn’t in love with anyone but Yuko had always been nice and sweet to him.

Despite his exhaustion and blood loss, Yuuji made it back to his village, fainting the moment he saw another person and was sure he was seen in return.

Yuuji woke up and that alone deserved a heavy sigh of relief.

He was lying inside the medical hut, Grandpa, Yuko and Miss Shoko by his side. Right, Yuko was assisting Miss Shoko. He forgot, he had never needed to go to the medical hut before-

“You fool!” Grandpa yelled at him with tears in his eyes. “Be lucky you returned, if you had died on me, I would have ran into the woods and dragged your corpse back for a spanking!”

Yuuji couldn’t help but laugh. Try to, at least. He was in a lot of pain.

“Yuuji, don’t get up!” Yuko yelled out, clearly distressed. “Your wounds could open up again!”

“Don’t worry, Yuko.” Miss Shoko said, the least concerned of them all. “He always had unnatural healing.”

“Yeah…” Yuuji said, dragging it out with his groggy voice. “By the way, I did it.”

“Did what?” Grandpa asked.

“I… I found the monster den.” Yuuji smiled at the memory. “I killed them all. That’s why I got injured. Ten, twelve, 16, maybe more of those bastards. The woods will be much safer now.”

Silence followed.

“… Kid.” Grandpa started, his voice wavering a little bit. “Are you sure?”

“Would these wounds lie?”

Yuuji looked around, seeing the shocked faces of those three. He saw how they slowly struggled to calm down, believe Yuuji’s words, and figure out what they mean.

“… No more were-creatures…?” Yuko whispered. “We… we could finally go beyond the village walls…?”

“Exactly.” Yuuji said, smiling up at her. “We could marry next to a spring I saw. The woods are so beautiful, I’m happy everyone can visit them now.”

Yuuji might have brought up the idea of marriage too soon, but he wasn’t wrong about Yuko liking him, if the sudden blush on her face was anything to go by. Even Grandpa got out of his stupor and started to smile. Yuuji was sure it was less due to the monsters being slain and more due to Yuuji talking marriage.

“Well!” Grandpa said with a loud voice. “Sounds like a plan! We must plan an engagement party! A thank you party for slaying the beasts as well, but I’m sure we can combine the two! Yuuji! You are not to get up until Miss Shoko says so! Don’t be stupid now, those days are over!”

Yuuji laughed. “Alright! I can behave for now.”

The day passed fast due to Yuuji sleeping for many hours. He woke up to drink water and eat. He knew many people wanted to visit him but Miss Shoko ushered them away, saying he needed to rest. Yuuji would have loved to talk to people but admitted that he would most likely just fall asleep on them.

It was the silence of the night that woke him and kept him awake.

The hut had a window from which moonlight shone down on him. Yuuji couldn’t explain why he was so transfixed with it. He just kept starring and starring.

… Soon, he was panting but couldn’t think about why.

He started to sweat. The nights were cold but he was sweating, feeling incredibly hot. He felt as if he just ran for days without pause. All his muscles were burning and straining. And within a second, everything started to hurt.

Yuuji felt pain like never before. He groaned and tried to scream, but no sound came out. His entire body was shaking and contracting, his pulse was pounding in his head and every fibre of his being. He couldn’t move yet felt as if every cell in his body was trying to get away from each other.

He let out his first scream when he felt as if his limbs were being ripped apart. His muscles were close to tearing and his bones close to breaking out of his skin. He could no longer lie on the bed, he fell to the ground, trying desperately to get up and yell for help.

The right side of his face was on the ground and he could see his left arm. He saw the bite mark. One of those were-creatures had bitten him.

Yuuji couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his fingers growing and growing. The pain increased by a tenfold and he was aware of how his body was shifting, changing, transforming. His jaw grew larger, fur grew on every inch of his skin, and within all this torture Yuuji didn’t have a second to grasp what was happening.

That… that he was transforming into a were-creature.

Yuuji woke up and couldn’t be relieved about it.

His entire body hurt. He was cold. He was wet. The rising sun blinded him.

He smelt blood and death. He saw blood on his hands. He tasted it inside his mouth. He was lying in it.

Yuuji managed to push his upper body up and look around.

Nothing was left unharmed.

All the houses were wrecked and destroyed.

What he saw from the sea was a deep red.

Everywhere he looked were corpses. And no matter how mutilated they were, how many bite marks he saw, he could name each and every single one.

It was cold. Yuuji teared up.

Miss Shoko. Yuko. Setsuko. Takeshi.


All of them were dead.

His entire village was dead.

And he was the one who killed them.

Yuuji screamed. He screamed until he coughed blood. He ripped at his head and arms until they were as red as the sea he was gazing at.


Sukuna was beyond amused!

The loss of his poor 24 puppies was worth the pathetic display that stupid brat granted him. What a massacre it had been! Sukuna saw it all from the brat’s own eyes. Saw how he ripped through skin and flesh, took a bite from anyone he could, how he slashed and killed anyone trying to attack him. He loved the moments where people recognized him, tried to plead with him only for the words to fall onto deaf ears.

All were-creatures belonged to Sukuna. They were connected to him and so was this brat. Had Sukuna allowed it, the brat might have been able to retain a sliver of his conscience. But no. That was a blessing Sukuna only granted to his most pious of worshippers. Not to brats who think they could get away with slaying his puppies.

And yet… Sukuna was beyond intrigued.

He had expected the brat to kill a few people but be beaten down eventually. First time were-creatures were always overwhelmed and confused and thus, easy to kill. Sukuna had thought his little revenge story would be over soon. Have the brat kill his own friends and get killed. Have his worshippers send a family of were-creatures back into those woods and be done with it.

But this brat, this were-tiger… He destroyed the entire village.

Sukuna had already been impressed that the brat had slain every single were-creature in that den. That brat was a great hunter, both as a human and as a beast. And most important of all, he was still alive.

What would he do? Drown himself in the sea? Lay down to rot?

Sukuna decided to keep tabs on his newest pup.

This sure cleared away his boredom.


Usually people wait for like the middle of the story for trauma, but I decided to cut it short-

Chapter 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yuuji was a wreck.

He had a black-out and awoke some time while the sun shone down on his bare back. He had no thoughts going through his mind except that he wanted to disappear and die. It was the coming cold that brought him out of this mindset.

… Soon, the sun would set. And once the night came, he… he would transform. Again.

All were-creatures belonged to Sukuna. The god of the hunt.

Yuuji was taught about the history of Shuryo. About the shrine far in the north, about the worshippers who lived close to it. All of them were-creatures who are human by day and transform into beasts at night. He was taught that many innocent people were allowed to live on Shuryo but had to pay tributes each year, most of which were taken by the were-creatures through a hunt. Each person who was killed and eaten by those beasts was a tribute to the god called Sukuna. All those innocent people were prey for those horrific were-creatures.

All his life, Yuuji assumed that those were-creatures were more beast than human. Cruel beings who follow a cruel god. Lycanthropy was a blessing and curse gifted those who worshipped that god. That’s what Yuuji always assumed, what he was taught. And not… and not that it worked like an infection carried over through a bite….

Yuuji didn’t worship Sukuna. He didn’t want to be a weretiger. He didn’t want to transform. And he never wanted to kill and eat his village…!

He wished to have no memory but he remembered everything. Everything he did as a beast, he remembered. He remembered every bite and every slash. He remembered his friends and grandpa trying to talk to him. They had known it was him. They had tried desperately to snap him out of it. But all their pleas had fallen on deaf ears. He remembered the hunger that drove him, the bloodlust and need to hunt, he remembered words and not listening. It wasn’t him but it was. He had turned into a beast and lost himself to it.

What was he supposed to do but die for his sins?

Was this a punishment?

Did Sukuna punish him for killing all those beasts who terrorised his village?

Yuuji remembered a story grandpa had always told him and the other children.

The god of the hunt, Sukuna, had a shrine in the north and could be summoned. He was a cruel god but offered something in return, a vow with the island. Sukuna allowed anyone to challenge him in a fair fight. He would match any challenger in strength and offer a fair duel. And whoever survived him or even beat him, was granted a wish.

Yuuji got up from his spot inside the blood lake.

This story had to be true. Yuuji had no other choice but travel north to the shrine and challenge that cruel god. If he lost, he’d just die. If he won, he would wish for Sukuna to leave this island. Take his damn beastly worshippers and leave the rest of the innocent people alone and in peace.

Grandpa had told him that this land was once a paradise whose name was lost to the hunt. Sukuna did not create the land, he just staked his claim over it. The people he considers prey had already been here.

Yuuji failed to save his village but he would not give up on saving the island.

… It was a hard decision, but Yuuji decided to bring as much resources and clothes with him as possible. It was pure torture to go through the wrecks he had left behind. The stench of decay fouled his nose and throat, the guilt ate at him alive. But. But he had to move on. He had to keep going. He had to declare his own war against the cruel god Sukuna.

Yuuji had wanted to offer his own little village peace, but Sukuna punished him for it. Fine. If that damned god wanted to play dirty, Yuuji would too. He won’t give up until his body has become dust in the wind.

The one thing that worried Yuuji was his lycanthropy.

He couldn’t go near any other villages or towns. He knew Shuryo had plenty of other settlements but he didn’t know where they were.

… He could smell them though.

The lovely scent of humans entered his nose while he travelled. Without thinking he followed it and it was the saliva trickling down his chin that made him snap out of his stupor.

What was he doing…!

He was following the scent because he was hungry…!

The sun was close to setting and he was walking down the trail to another innocent settlement. No. No, no, no!

Yuuji forced himself into another direction and found a little cave to hide in.

If he was correct, it wasn’t the night that triggered a transformation – It was the moonlight. Meaning, if he could shield himself from the moon, he would not transform.

Yuuji hid inside that little cave with his heart racing and racing. He had no idea if the moonlight thing was true or not. No one in his village had known the truth, they had only speculated. Yuuji watched as it grew darker and colder, unable to figure out if his nausea and hurting heart beat was due to anxiety or transforming.

Nothing happened.

Yuuji had stared outside the little entrance of his cave for ages. Nothing happened. He didn’t transform.

He saw the moonlight shine on nearby trees and bushes, but he was in complete darkness and nothing happened.

At last, Yuuji laid down on his back, relief claiming his entire body.

… He didn’t have to transform each night, a miracle.

The only problem now… it was ice cold.

Yuuji should have thought of wood to burn before he hid inside the cave. He had a lot of clothes packed and tried his best to stay warm until the next day. The nights were torture either way, but he gladly took the cold rather than turning into a beast.

Yuuji resumed his travel the next day.

He cleared away from any human scent and tried his best to just follow north. Here and there he saw road signs but they only led him to settlements, not Sukuna’s shrine.

How long would it take him to reach his destination? How big was Shuryo even? He had to hunt what little animals he could find, but it wasn’t easy with the cold season. He found no berries to eat and it was very hard to force himself to get away from settlements. Whenever he wasn’t careful, he found himself following the scent of human flesh. The hunger for something he knew he could never eat again was agonising. Whenever he drank water from a river, he found himself thinking how much better blood would be. How much richer in taste it would be and how healthy it was compared to dirty river water animals peed and defecated in.

Yuuji had to slap himself for such thoughts. He wasn’t a beast, damn it! Right now he was a human and would not give in to bloodlust!

The only good thing was that hunting animals scratched an itch, at least. This urge to hunt. He managed to hunt down a few hares and have a good meal. He couldn’t control himself from drinking the animal’s blood but let it slide. It got rid of the thirst and he was going to eat the animal anyway.

He managed to make himself a fire but ate half of the hare before it was even cooked, becoming impatient. And to his utter dismay, he had no issue with eating raw meat. It should have disgusted him but he just ate it no problem.

Yuuji just sighed. This would be his life for the unforeseeable future.

It was getting late and Yuuji searched and searched for another cave but couldn’t find one. All he found was a hill that offered shade.

He pressed himself close to the cold wall and had thought about getting fire wood and stones this time.

Yuuji had always sucked at making a fire. He always broke the stones before a spark could ignite. … Takeshi had a natural talent for making fires. He only ever took a few tries for sparks to fly. He always knew how much he needed to blow for the sparks to land on the wood and catch fire.

Yuuji was so lost in memories that he didn’t notice how the shade shifted.

He thought he was safe when the sun had set in the southwest, but the moon shone from a different direction. And it hit him.


The transformation was as painful and terrifying as the first one.

With one difference.

Yuuji dreamt.

He was aware of his hunt through the woods, deafening hunger and thirst for blood, but he also saw a dream. Or was it a vision…?

He saw someone he just knew to be Sukuna. The god of the hunt.

A giant man with four arms holding several hunting weapons including a spear. His chest was bare, his hands had claws, he was adorned with animal and human skulls around his hips, neck and ankles. His skin had many black inked designs itched into it. He had short pink hair similar to Yuuji’s own that stuck out from under the giant deer skull he wore as decoration. Giant, shimmering antlers were attached to it and gave the god a regal and aethereal look.

The deer skull covered the god’s eyes, but a second, lower pair was visible, locking eyes with Yuuji. Deep red eyes, as red as the blood Yuuji was currently seeking and consuming.

Yuuji wasn’t sure what form he was currently in… he was on the earth as a weretiger, hunting as a mindless beast. But was he human when looking up at the god…? Did he have any thoughts to spare? Did he view that god as a threat or as a master…?

“Brat,” The god spoke, his voice encompassing Yuuji’s entire being. “You travel up north? To my shrine? Do you plan on begging for my forgiveness?”


Yuuji couldn’t help the feeling of looking up at something higher than himself. Something untouchable. Something he should kneel in front of. But… no. He didn’t travel up north to beg for anything.

“…I…” Yuuji tried to speak, surprised that he could. “I will end you.”

Yuuji saw the giant head with deer skull and antlers twitch. A slight lean to the right.

“Oh?” The tone of voice from the god stayed the same as before. A bit of intrigue just shy of breaking the boredom. “End me? A god? Brat, how could you possibly end a god?”

Yuuji found his confidence. If he could see such a perfect body and describe it, he could imagine breaking it into a pulp of broken bones and flesh.

“I’ll challenge you…! I’m going up north to defeat you in a fight! I’ll make you pay for what you’ve done…!”

The god’s shoulders and chest heaved upwards, a chuckle escaping from behind those sharp canines.

“What I’ve done, brat? You were the one to destroy your village.”

Yuuji’s wrath grew.

“Because you cursed me!”

“You got infected when killing my poor pups.”

“Who terrorised my people! All I wanted was for my village to live in peace and be able to feed itself!”

“Then they should have been stronger.”

Yuuji was getting more and more agitated by the god’s calm tone. “I was strong! I hunted! But you get insulted when your puppies become prey?”

Yuuji watched the god tilt his head even further, one hand coming to his face and stroking his chin with two fingers. He held his head up a little bit, giving sight to his larger eyes.

“Prey? Brat, you didn’t even eat them! But know what you ate? Your friends and family.”

Yuuji felt as if he was struck down. He didn’t want to hear that.

“You went out of your way to hunt my pups and got infected, and now you blame me for destroying your village? None of it would have happened had you stayed in your lane. Who are you to judge my puppies? Do they not deserve food? You are a weretiger yourself now and don’t enjoy it, yet you killed were-creatures without a second thought. You are no better than them, you foolish child.”

… Yuuji felt horrible. As if he was being broken apart.

“Deserve food?” Yuuji yelled. “My village had struggled for ages while your beasts were thriving! I tipped the scale and you infected me for it! Can’t face someone strong enough to take dozens of your pups with nothing but human strength and fists?”

“Human strength?” The god moved again, intertwining two hands together and leaning down, closer to Yuuji. “Brat, you’ve obviously been blessed or cursed by some god other than me! Care to explain which god you worked for before I claimed your soul?”

Yuuji stuttered. He had no answer. He knew he was stronger than anyone else in the village, but he never thought it was enough to consider it divine intervention.

“I belonged to no one.”


“Yes. The only god my village knew was you, and only as a cruel devil.”

“Hm…” One hand moved closer and closer to Yuuji and he felt pressure. It caused him to feel freezing shock but he couldn’t move away from it. “You are not from Shuryo. You hair is the colour of death. Only those associated with it wear it. Like me. And you… where do you come from?”

Again, Yuuji had no answer. The pressure around him felt overwhelming.

“I… Grandpa said he found me in a basket floating from the sea to the shore. Saying I must come from the mainland.”

“Mainland, huh?” Finally, the pressure was lifted and the god’s hand came back into view. “Do you have any idea how far away the mainland is from Shuryo? A fully-manned ship will take weeks to travel the distance. Heh… seems to me you must have died as a child but the sea refused to take you.” Yuuji felt another freeze. What did that mean…? “Fine by me. The sea must have known what an annoying brat you’d be. But that’s fine with me! I take enjoyment in the breaking of puppies!”

Yuuji was feeling dizzy and his vision started to blur. He felt his legs giving in, falling to the ground.

“Come to me then, brat! Come and challenge me. Take advantage of my binding vow with the land. I’ll await you.”


Yuuji woke up hurting and feeling cold.

He was once again naked and lying on the ground with the rising sun shining on him. He looked around and only saw trees and the cadaver of animals and birds.

… Yuuji took a deep breath. He only hunted and killed animals. No humans. … That was a huge relief.

He got up, needing to find his travel bags for clothes.

As he traced his steps back, he thought about his dream.

It was hard to remember everything he had said and heard, but he knew one thing very clearly: How to get to Sukuna’s shrine. It was as if a map was printed into his mind.

I’ll await you.

Yuuji remembered those words as clear as the sky.

“I’ll be there…”


Sukuna found himself smiling.

That brat was amusing. Wanting to end him? Let him try! The thought of defeating that disrespectful kid into submission was too thrilling to ignore.

He wondered about the brat’s origin… Sukuna couldn’t tell if the brat’s superior strength and condition came from divine intervention or not. It could also be a powerful spell casted by mere mortals. A mother sacrificing herself to make sure her child would be safe.

No matter what it was, it was no threat to Sukuna. No mortal stood a chance against him. Ending a god, what an innocent and intoxicating joke!

Sukuna had suffered boredom for the past decades and finally found something to be excited about. The nearer this brat came to his shrine, the more he could mess with him….


The main villain of Morrowind has this epic quote that goes:
"What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What grand and intoxicating innocence!"

That's why Sukuna calls it "innocent and intoxicating joke" :D

Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A voice inside Yuuji kept nagging him, telling him if he just transformed and let his inner beast take over, he wouldn’t be suffering hunger and thirst.

It was cold, even during the day, and it was getting harder and harder to find water and food. What little animals he found to eat were not enough to satiate him and quench his thirst.

If only he let himself transform for one night, he could hunt much faster, search a much larger area, jump and climb higher places, not be against killing humans— Yuuji shook his head to throw those disturbing thoughts away.

This wasn’t him, it was the beast inside. He mustn’t lose control, not when the sun was rolling up and down the sky.

Yuuji managed to find refuge from the moon each night and was getting weaker and slower each day. He knew how much longer it would take to reach the shrine and the disappointment was physically hurting him. At this pace he’d take months! And even if he managed to arrive, how could he win against Sukuna in a state worse than his current one?

Once more, the idea to just let himself transform and hunt humans knocked on his skull and pounded without mercy. But he couldn’t. He didn’t want this. He mustn’t follow the scent of humans. He had to stay human and sane. He couldn’t visit any settlements to buy or beg for food and water. He didn’t trust himself.

… Yuuji forced himself to keep going with blurring vision. How could he find small animals to hunt in this state…? He could hunt them as a beast, no doubt. But no, stay human. His feet hurt and he was dying of thirst, he could drink so much blood if he just killed one human. But no, stay sane.

Stay human, stay sane.

Find refuge, don’t follow the human scent.

Keep going, follow the path, keep track of the sun, stay human….

Yuuji’s world faded to black.


… Yuuji heard voices and felt the need to get up and hug whoever they belonged to. He was so lonely. Day and night, he was alone. Who were those people, Setsuko and Rin…? A louder girl and a more calmly speaking boy… were they visiting him in his hut? … His hut… his own little home with all his maps and trinkets, a little flower pot Yuko had given him, a big seashell from grandpa.

Yuuji heard voices and just wanted to drown in them and never wake up fully… why…? Why not wake up and talk…?

Yuuji startled awake and sat up with a scream.

His village was dead, where was he…!

“Calm down!” The louder female voice spoke and Yuuji looked to his right. A young woman was next to him with short light brown hair, looking irritated. “No need to scream, you’re in safety!”


Yuuji looked around himself with quick and erratic movements. He was inside a wooden house, with a blanket over him and a soft bed underneath. He smelt tea, herbs, fish and human…!

Yuuji wanted to run and couldn’t tell if his goal was fleeing or attacking the woman and then go outside to attack the rest. The scent was too overwhelming, Yuuji just knew he was in another village full of people…!

He couldn’t move and his body shivered, so much that the touch on his shoulder felt like a blow. The young man was next to him, holding a cup of tea up.

“Hey, it’s alright.” The young man had deep blue eyes and dark hair. A serene expression with just a bit of worry etched into it. “Drink something. I promise you’ll feel better.”

Yuuji was suddenly aware of his shallow, open-mouthed breathing and his pounding heartbeat. As well as his dry and hurting throat. The whirlwind of emotions inside him were dizzying and clouded his mind. He wasn’t sure what to do and couldn’t move, but the cup of tea? He took that one and drank it in one giant gulp.

“… I’d say he wants more, Fushiguro.” The woman spoke.

Thankfully, Yuuji was given more tea and water, which was followed by food. Little white soft corns with salt. Yuuji had no idea what that was, but he ate a whole lot of it, as much as he was given!

… When he finally felt his hunger subside, he calmed down. The scent of humans didn’t bother him anymore.

Yuuji turned to the two and bowed down, forehead to the ground: “Thank you very much for your kindness.” It felt so foreign to speak after all the time in the woods. As if he found something lost.

“No problem!” The woman spoke again, tipping on his shoulder. Yuuji sat up. “Couldn’t let a young man just dry out on the road!”

Oh… he fainted from exhaustion, hunger and thirst… that’s how he got here. How close had he been to this village?

“What’s your name?” The young man spoke next. “And where are you from? You are not from around here, that’s for sure.”

Yuuji blinked a few times. Inside his mind he could see where he was in relation to his destroyed village and the shrine. He still had a long way to go to reach the shrine, but was a moderate walk away from home as well.

“I… I’m from a fisher village in the south. Near the sea.”

“Sea?” The woman said. “Like, water? Just the horizon full of water?”

“Uhm, yes. I smell fish around here, aren’t you close to the sea?”

“We have rivers, but never ventured far enough to reach the sea.” The woman said. Hearing her voice was soothing. Yuuji didn’t look directly at them. “Anyway, you haven’t told us your name yet.”

“…” Yuuji wasn’t sure if he should share it. But these people helped him and asked for it, so he obliged. “Yuuji.”

“Just Yuuji?” The woman said and hearing his name again after all this time… felt nice. “No family name?”

“Family name?”

“Yes. My family is Kugisaki, and his is Fushiguro. That’s how we address each other.”

“Well…” Yuuji thought about it. “We all considered each other one big family.”

“How small was your village? And what is your village’s name?” The boy – Fushiguro – asked.

“Eh, we were maybe fifty people? And we called it Itadori.”

“Huh.” Fushiguro said. “That is indeed a small village. Why not call yourself Itadori Yuuji then?”

Itadori Yuuji… He wasn’t sure if he had any right to call himself after his village. But… it might be the only way to keep the memory alive.

“Itadori Yuuji, then. I like it.” Yuuji couldn’t help a soft smile.

He thought about asking how many people lived inside this village, but remembered that he shouldn’t even be here in the first place.

Yuuji stood up and bowed down one last time before trying to leave: “Well, thank you two again! But I have to leave.”


Yuuji didn’t let himself get stopped and the two followed him, Fushiguro speaking: “Itadori, you are clearly not fit enough to travel!”

“Besides, it’s getting dark!”

Yuuji was already outside when he noticed that too and stood abruptly. He didn’t even register the wide road and row of houses in front of him, he just looked above. Some stars were already visible and the sky was painted in red and pink hues.

Oh no.

He needed to run. Find a cave. What if he wasn’t fast enough? He’d just transform and return to this settlement and destroy it-

Kugisaki pulled on his shoulder: “See? Get back inside and rest! If you really need to leave, do it in the morning!”

“She is right. We can even pack water and food for you. Let’s go back inside.”


Yuuji took one deep and shaky breath.

Yes. Yes, that was the best course of action. He could stay inside the house and still hide from the moonlight. This was just as good as a cave.

Yuuji let himself get pulled back inside the house and laid back on the bed. He was close to a window and jumped inside his skin, sitting up again.

“What is it?” Kugisaki asked.

“I…” Yuuji just stared outside, feeling sweat drop down his temple. “I can’t sleep next to the window….”

After a short silence, Fushiguro sat next to him: “We can pull your futon in the middle then. Would that be okay?”

“… Okay.”

It took some time but they got settled. Kugisaki said her goodbyes as she lived in another house with her grandmother. Fushiguro had always lived alone.

“Don’t you have family?” Yuuji asked, genuinely curious. He realised how much he missed talking to people. He wanted to know more about Fushiguro and Kugisaki.

“My parents died. I can’t remember them, so it’s not so tragic to me. They were tributes to Sukuna.”

That was just fancy talk to say they were killed and eaten by were-creatures.

Yuuji felt so horrible hearing this: “I’m sorry….”

“It’s fine. The townsfolk helped me, so I help them in return. Taking care of unconscious travellers, for example.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“Where are you going to, anyway?”

… Yuuji thought about telling him and decided to do it: “I want to go to Sukuna’s shrine.”

Yuuji saw and heard Fushiguro twitch. “Why?”

“I want to challenge him.”

“You’ll just die.”

“It’s fine. I don’t have a place to go back to anyway.”

“… You mean your village?”


It was silent for a long while. The candle between them flickered until it went out.

“Well. I barely know you, Itadori. So I’m not going to discourage you. But you are free to stay here as well.”

I’d love to.

“I can’t. Thank you, but I can’t.”

Yuuji wanted to explore this giant village. Eat more of the many foods he never had like rice. Fushiguro and Kugisaki were really kind and nice and he wanted to get to know them more. He wanted to meet anyone in this town and learn about them. He wanted to tell stories of the sea, of the waves, about ships.

He wanted human connection.

He hated travelling all alone.

But he couldn’t stay. He did something unforgiveable and could never stay in any place. The only thing he could do is challenge Sukuna and win or die trying.

“Alright. Good night, Itadori.”

“Good night.”


Yuuji woke up in the middle of the night to a scent he hadn’t missed.


He didn’t hear anything, but he smelled them all the same. They were close. Inside this village.

“Fushiguro!” Yuuji shook his current hut-mate as hard as he could. “Wake up!”

Fushiguro woke up in an instant, already alert. “What is it?”

“Were-creatures! I can smell them! Does your village have warriors and guards, you have to warn them!”

Yuuji watched Fushiguro sit up properly and be silent for a second: “I don’t hear the warning bells.”

“I told you I smell them! If the warning bells aren’t ringing, it means you might have a chance to attack before they get inside the village!”

Fushiguro looked at him and despite the darkness, Yuuji saw the suspicion and doubt in his eyes. “How can you smell that?”

“I just do! Fushiguro, please trust me! I don’t want anyone to get hurt!”

After another second, Fushiguro stood up, taking a candle to hand.

“Well, alright. Let’s go to the guards.”

“I can’t come with you.”

“What?” Fushiguro looked back. “Itadori, I suddenly feel like you’d rob me dry the moment I leave.”

“Huh!” Yuuji would never do something like that! “Fushiguro, please-“

The loud warning bells started to ring, much louder than those Yuuji had in his own village. They both got startled by the noise and Fushiguro didn’t think twice before grabbing something – a sword - from the wall and going outside. “Stay here in safety!”

“…” Yuuji flinched away from the moonlight that almost hit him when Fushiguro opened the door. He could do nothing but stay here and wait.

Stay here and wait.

Stay here and wait.

The scent of beasts became stronger, and so did the scent of blood. He heard the growls, he heard the howls, he heard the ripping of flesh and screams of humans.

Stay here and wait.

Stay here and wait.

Yuuji curled into himself and hid under the blanket. The scent of fresh human blood was overwhelming, he could barely breathe. His entire being urged him to go outside and… and then what…!

He needed to go outside and help! He needed to slay those beasts! The fight went on for too long and it was obvious that it wasn’t just a single beast! He smelled at least six of them…! He could take them, he had killed much more all on his own, and these villagers were struggling, people were dying…! He had to help, he had to help, he had to help…!

But he’d just transform!

And even right now as a human he just wanted to go outside and taste the flesh and blood of humans. Saliva pooled in his mouth and ran down his chin. He felt such immense hunger and thirst. He needed to go outside and scare all those other beasts away, punish them for daring to hunt his prey…!

Stay here and wait.

Stay here and wait…!

Yuuji’s entire body ached and he shivered and shook.

He couldn’t stay here and wait.

Yuuji got up with the blanket still on him and looked around. He went through everything Fushiguro owned: Giant gloves, perfect. Ropes, good to tie some cloth around his arms and legs. A very long kimono, yes, yes. An uchikatsugi? Perfect!

Yuuji thought that these things might have belonged to Fushiguro’s dead parents and he offered a small prayer for them. He’d never steal like this but he needed to help and needed protection from the moon!

Yuuji bound a thin cloth around his head just in case the uchikatsugi wasn’t enough, even around his eyes. He couldn’t take any chances and it was okay. He had no issues finding the beasts.

Yuuji ran fast through the village with its many houses and roads, driven by the scent of blood and saw four beasts fighting against the warriors of this town, Fushiguro with them. One beast was already slain, but so were many people.

One werewolf charged at Fushiguro and Yuuji jumped high above to kick that beast’s snout.

Yuuji felt the entire skull of the werewolf crack under his foot, and he landed on it’s dead body. A werebear attacked him next and he took hold of it’s throat to throw his fist into it’s chest, breaking ribs, imploding the heart.

The remaining two beasts were dealt with the same. Yuuji’s strength was too much for them to sustain.

… Yuuji was a little out of breath. He hadn’t fought for a while and wasn’t in his best condition. But it was enough for those four beasts.

It became silent all around him. He only heard his heartbeat and his own hard breathing.

The scent of human blood and flesh, it was all around him, so tantalising, so close for the taking…!

“I- Itadori…?” Fushiguro’s voice brought Yuuji out of his craze. “I- is that you…?”

Yuuji struggled to calm his breath. His entire ribcage heaved up and down with each gulp of air, his shoulders shook.

“Y- yes….” Yuuji owed Fushiguro an answer, at least. “S-sorry for taking your things….”

Yuuji was startled by the touch on his shoulder. He looked back to see Fushiguro looking at him, smiling. “It’s alright.”

… Yuuji looked at his new friend.

Did… did he not wonder about why Yuuji was covered head to toe like this…? Didn’t it matter to him? Did he not think about it? … Was it possible Fushiguro already had an idea about Yuuji’s condition…?

Could they truly become friends…?

A loud, horrible noise made Yuuji look back at the slain beasts. Fushiguro and the others took a step back and Yuuji tried to shield him – The werewolf arose…! How- No. It wasn’t the werewolf.

It was Sukuna.

From within the dead werewolf, a spirit rose, one that looked like a mix of human and beast. The spirit was transparent, barely visible, but its four eyes were glowing a deep red. The horrible noise continued and Yuuji recognised it as laughter.

“Oh, brat!” Sukuna’s voice caused the air and earth to shake. “What a fool you are! I was rooting so hard for you to be smart and stay inside!”

Yuuji’s body was hurting, and so was his soul.

A part of him felt the need, the urge to kneel. To be a good kitten. He longed and yearned for comfort within those four red eyes. Yuuji keened at the thought, of a phantom touch from a giant hand caressing his fur.

… But he wasn’t a beast…!

“Shut up…!” Yuuji didn’t yell, he couldn’t. Everything was too much and he felt like fainting and running away from everything. The blood scent still tortured him, he was still surrounded by people who just witnessed the god of the hunt talking to him directly. He fought hard against his instincts to stay rooted in his spot and not run or get his head inside the corpses littering around. “I- I killed them all…!”

“Of course you did! Still set to defy me, how adorable! And you think covering yourself from the moonlight wouldn’t make anyone suspicious about what you are?”

The need to run far away grew and grew and he almost did, but a sudden pain in his arm and chest kept him from it.

So up close, Yuuji smelled another were-creature. A small rat. Its scent was hidden from all the blood and flesh. The were-rat bit him and ripped all the clothes from his body.

Yuuji felt the moonlight grace his skin like waves sinking a ship.

The first beat of his beastly heart ran through his entire body, breaking everything in its way and sending pure agony back.

He’d transform. He was in the middle of a human settlement and he’d transform.

Sukuna’s horrible laughter echoed in Yuuji’s ears: “Have fun, my sweet cat! At last, you’ll finally feed yourself properly!”


Sukuna didn’t leave.

Yuuji’s mind was screaming and begging, wanting his beastly body to stop. To drop dead, to listen to him, to let itself get defeated, to stop being so damn strong, to stop feasting on people…!

Nothing worked.

Not again, not again, not again…! Why was no one able to stop him…! Why did he leave Fushiguro’s house! Why didn’t he notice that damned rat before! Why, why, why…! He couldn’t do this again, he couldn’t destroy and kill another village, he couldn’t see all the blood on his hands…!

Throughout this, Sukuna never left his side. It was like the dream he had before. His beast was rampaging on Shuryo and Yuuji’s soul was with the god.

“Make it stop….” Yuuji sobbed, begged Sukuna who just looked down on his weretiger body, watching the spectacle. “I beg you, make me stop…!”


Yuuji was breaking. He felt himself break into a thousand pieces, held together by the gentle touch of a god.

“You were right, brat. I was insulted at the idea of a puny human killing my pups. And this is me remedying my false judgement.” Yuuji saw himself slaying Kugisaki and her grandmother he never got to meet. “You are such a great hunter, both as human and beast, and you deserve my respect. So I made you mine.”

Yuuji saw fires and just wished his beastly body would fall into them.

“I don’t want this… pl-please… please forgive me…!” Yuuji could hardly hear his own voice through its cracks. “Kill me, please kill me…!”

Yuuji’s own screams and cries were all that went through his mind, and yet not enough to deafen the god.

“Aw, sweet kitten… what will it take for you to fall into bloodlust?” Yuuji felt a touch on his lower lip. “For you to see my blessing? Just accept it… worship me, hunt for me. Accept that you are mine. Come to my shrine and offer yourself as my bride.”

Yuuji could not answer.

His own screams and cries echoed throughout the night.


Okay I PROMISE, the next chapters won't be as dark-

Chapter 4


By the way, I keep forgetting:
The island name "Shuryo" means "hunt"

The name for Megumi's town is "Kyoho" and is the name of a grape. Since I used Itadori as the name for Yuuji's village and Itadori means knotweed, I'm going for a plant theme

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Yuuji remembered something.

It felt like a dream, a real one. Not a vision from a cruel god.

Rain. Dark clouds. Waves. Wood.

A person.

A person trying to hold onto a large piece of wood.

The image only showed half of the person’s body, the rest submerged in dark waves.

The person… his brother, held a basket that was small, but looked giant in the memory.

“This will bring you to land, Yuuji. You’ll be safe. I’ll make sure you stay safe. I won’t be able to come with you… but I’ll protect you regardless. You’ll make it, okay? The waves won’t bring you down. Nothing will bring you down, you hear me? Someone will find you and take care of you, and I will always protect you throughout. You might not remember me one day, you might not feel me, but know I never abandoned you, little brother… I’ll just be with you in a different way. Farewell, Yuuji. You’ll do great.”

His older brother… Yuuji remembered having had a brother before. He had never missed his presence. He had never felt a void in his heart.

Yuuji had been strong, fit and robust his whole life. Grandpa had told him how a small baby shouldn’t have survived a sea trip inside a basket.

Yuuji had never felt helpless. When he witnessed his first monster attack at a young age, he wasn’t afraid. He was determined to protect his village one day. He knew he could always rely on his strength.

… His older brother… Choso…? Choso wasn’t with him, but his strength was. Choso died but gifted Yuuji with strength. His pink hair, it was a sign of being touched by death. He was touched by a gift from his dead brother, a gift that allowed him to make the sea trip all alone inside a little basket.

Yuuji got up.

He was lying in yet another blood lake.

… Again, he destroyed a whole settlement. He wanted to save and protect people, and he ended up killing them instead. This settlement was larger than his village and he killed all of them….

Yuuji cried, seeing his tears break through the blood underneath him. It was dead quiet, all he heard were his sobs.

But he couldn’t give up.

Yuuji struggled to stand, naked and wet, satiated yet full of guilt and pain. He tried to rub the tears off his eyes, smacked his cheeks to find his way back into reality.

He had to keep going.

Yuuji walked and knew he had to steal from the ashes and wrecks of this village. He needed a new travel bag. He needed clothes, he needed food and water, he needed ropes and extra items like gloves and an uchikatsugi in case he needs to move during the night. He prayed and asked forgiveness from each corpse he saw, asked for anything he took.

Soon, he came across the dead beasts he had slain.

He decided to pack them in cloth as extra food. Instead of hunting for humans, he could actively hunt for them.

He buried the remains of Kugisaki and Fushiguro, pleading for their forgiveness, saying all he could do for the rest was burning everything down so they might rest under ashes. How much he wished to be buried and dead himself but he couldn’t face his punishment just yet. He’d do it, but he needed to defeat Sukuna first.

Yuuji continued his travel up north.

Once, Yuuji was given protection from his older brother who wanted him to do great, and he couldn’t shame his brother by dying like this. Not before he brought the cruel god down with him.


Yuuji resumed his previous travel routine, but with more success. He encountered were-creatures again. He could smell them. When he actively searched for their scent and ignored the ones of humans, he could find them.

Every other night, Yuuji covered himself to hunt the were-creatures and ate them. He drank their blood, he feasted on their still warm flesh. They would have done the same to him and especially to the humans whose sweet scent lingered all around. And, at the very least, it solved his hunger and thirst issues.

The only issue left was his trouble with making fires and how cold it was during the nights. But his hunts before sleeping helped.

One day, Yuuji was approached by a caravan of travelers, asking why he travels all alone. Yuuji told them that he can watch after himself and they don’t need to worry. They had offered him food but he declined.

A day later, the same caravan approached him again from the direction they had previously travelled to, looking horrified and shaken. They had told him about their destination, a town called Kyoho, and saw that it was burnt down.

… It was the town Yuuji had destroyed as a weretiger and burnt down as a human.

The travelers offered to take Yuuji with them but he declined.

It had felt good to speak to them but he couldn’t risk getting them into danger. Yuuji swore he’d never try to be friends with anyone. Neither did he deserve it, nor would Sukuna let him have friends without breaking him again.

It was the day after that, during a relatively peaceful noon, that Yuuji started to hear voices. One voice. … Sukuna’s voice.

“Hey, brat. Do you hear me?”

Yuuji was startled and froze for a second. All before resuming his walk.

“Brat, I know you can hear me.”

No one was around him. Yuuji stayed silent.

“Oh, come on, don’t give me the silence treatment. Do you know how long I waited for you to come closer? We never properly introduced ourselves to each other!”

Yuuji felt his entire body tense up in anger. The voice was loud in his head. He pressed both index fingers inside his ears, but it didn’t help.

“This is a privilege, don’t you know? I rarely speak directly to mortals like this. With how lonely you feel, I thought I’d bless you with my presence.”

“Bless me?” Yuuji snapped. He didn’t know where to look as he had no one to look at. He stood abruptly and kept staring where he had looked at this whole time – The road. “Shut the f*ck up! Go bless someone else!”

Yuuji was startled again and felt his heart almost giving out when he felt touch. Touch like pressure, as if the air pressed against him like stones falling. He couldn’t move his body – It was moved instead. His chin was held up, forcing his gaze at the sky.

“Eyes up, brat.” Sukuna’s voice had been carefree before. Now, it was firm like a wall, dangerous like lightning. “I’m above you. Always.”

… Yuuji still didn’t see anything or anyone. It was merely a voice inside his brain. He shivered and forgot how to breathe but snapped out of it. He ripped his body from the invisible hands and took a step back. He had to rub at his chin, feeling as if it burned and froze at the same time.

He felt deep wrath scorching inside him, wishing he had someone to take it out on. But all he had was his own voice.

“You won’t be for much longer. I’ll grace your damned face with the sole of my foot soon enough!”

Despite his rage, Yuuji couldn’t look down. He felt forced to lift his gaze a little bit at least. Just shy of the horizon, at the lowest clouds.

Sukuna resumed his previous carefree disposition – Yuuji could picture him on his throne with a smug smile.

“Aw, still determined to challenge me? What do you even have to gain?”

Yuuji felt out of breath.

The reality of the god speaking to him like this finally caught up with him. Why? How? Why now all of a sudden? Weren’t the dreams horrific enough? Couldn’t he protect himself from this somehow?

“Shut up.” Yuuji’s voice was more timid now, a slight tremor embracing his words. “I don’t want to hear you.”

“I want to speak to you.”

Yuuji’s lower lip trembled and he hugged himself. He felt so incredibly cold, all while still holding his gaze above the horizon, too terrified to look anywhere else.

“Leave me alone. Please, just leave me alone.”

“Aw, my poor kitten,” Yuuji whined and tensed up all over when he felt touch again. Something gentle this time but no less harrowing. Yuuji pressed his eyes close and held onto his clothes, whimpering. “How could I? Is this not what you want? Someone to keep you company?”

“Not from you.”

“Who else do you have, brat?”

Yuuji shook from those words.

“No one.” He whispered. “I have no one. … Doesn’t mean I want you!” That part, he yelled.

Yuuji heard Sukuna laugh and felt that gentle pressure again. Like a ruffle through his hair.

“And yet you seek me out? What is your plan? What do you even wish for? Tell me, please, I’m dying to know!”

Yuuji hated the mocking tone but answered regardless: “For you to die. I want you to die. I have no need for a wish, I will just kill you.”

From within his soul, that was all Yuuji wanted. Why he refused to give up. It was the only way to redeem himself.

“And die trying?” Something challenging was inside Sukuna’s tone, something that held Yuuji on a fragile edge.

“… I’d die trying to protect the world from you.”

Yuuji felt an invisible shadow over him. A heaviness just inches away. A tearing gaze.

“You think I’ll just let you die?”

Yuuji felt the cold again. His legs shook.

“Brat. This island and I have a binding vow. Anyone who wants to challenge me gets to fight me, fair and square. I have to grand them a wish if they win. But would any of this be fair if I couldn’t ask for something in return?”

Yuuji felt the need to take a step back, unsure why, just to feel that he can’t move any further away. As if something was behind, keeping him in place.

“What… What could you possibly ask for? Why should the land give you that right?”

“The land does not discriminate, brat! Do you think I actually needed the island’s permission to stake a claim to it? No, this binding vow is in place purely for my amusem*nt! To have something official and set in stone. It isn’t exactly sporting to be a god and fight against mortals, even I want a challenge sometimes! And usually, killing my opponents was enough. But not with you….” Yuuji had to press his eyes close again when he felt a touch on his trembling lip. The feather tease of hot breath kissed his nose. “Kyoho had a population of 200. In a single night, you hunted and killed 200 humans. You are the strongest hunter who ever lived on this island. How could I just kill you like all those weaklings who dared challenge me in the past? No, I have a better prize for you. A higher honour. When I defeat you, I’ll elevate your soul into my divine realm and embrace you as my bride.”

“…” Yuuji kept shaking, feeling trapped and close to suffocating. And yet… “Bride…? Bride?” Somehow, the audacity of this damned god annoyed Yuuji to his core. It was enough to break free from his fear. He felt close to his teenage years, when grandpa would tell him to stop behaving so childishly and start acting like a husband would. Sure, he had decided to marry Yuko at last, but grandpa had started annoying him about it much earlier! And to think a literal god would think about those same damn topics…!

“Don’t you have anything better to do!” Yuuji screamed and actually felt a little less encased by shadows. “Don’t you have worshippers to answer? You waste your time finding a bed partner, why waste it on me! Go f*ck a mountain until it’s a canyon if you are so horny!”

“… How feisty.” Sukuna finally seemed to take a step back, sounding unimpressed. “You really don’t know how to recognize a gift when it is presented, do you? I’m offering to bring you to divine status and you talk with such disrespect at me.” Yuuji heard Sukuna chuckle. “Almost makes me imagine I’ll have to work for what I want. Keep it up. I’d love to know how it feels to get bitten.”

Yuuji could imagine the fletched teeth and canines of the god, as well as a tongue going over them.

Yuuji let out a growl and managed to stand straight, no longer stuck in a cowering position.

“Mark my words, Sukuna – I’ll rid this island of your influence. I promise you.”

Sukuna laughed again, one more touch grazing Yuuji’s body. His cheek this time.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, brat. Let me make one of my own: I’ll wed and bed you on my throne. You’ll be mine.”


Yuuji is valid guysssss

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

Yuuji’s memories about his travels all alone, as recent as they were, were greying his heart. Days fading into each other with nothing holding them together. He had went from a loving community to being alone within a single night, having no one to pull him up from underneath this sea of isolation.

That did not mean he wanted Sukuna’s company. Yuuji was dead serious he’d rather drown instead of having that cruel god talk to him day-in, day-out. Non-stop. It’s been only two days and Yuuji wanted it to stop.

“Brat, I just realized you never introduced yourself to me. I think you should, it’s only good manners!”

“Don’t see why I should care to be polite with you.”

“Other gods wouldn’t be so kind and let you get away with such disrespect.”

“I had begged you to kill me and you dare call yourself kind?”

Sukuna laughed. “I keep sending pup after pup after you and you keep killing and eating them! You don’t act like a person who wants to die.”

“I had wanted to at that moment… but I won’t just stop fighting just because you send me a snack after the other.”

“Lovely how you see through my intentions and still call me cruel. Should a husband not feed his bride?” Sukuna still spoke through a smirk, Yuuji could tell.

“With his own pups? You are a horrible pet keeper.”

“Any of my pups is willing to die for me. Hunt until they get hunted, it is all part of the game. Only you refuse to get hunted down. Your desire to fight me is immaculate and for that I make sure you’ll be at your best when it happens. Killing you now for being difficult would never be a kindness.”

“…” Yuuji had to think about that for a second. “This couldn’t have been your plan from the beginning.”

“You’re right.” Sukuna took on a more sober tone, less condescending. “That you killed all my pups in their den was a surprise. I had just needed one to bite you, infect you, cause you to transform and get killed by your village.” A cold shudder ran down Yuuji’s spine, although he didn’t know why. “First time pups are usually weak and disoriented. Not you, though. You just hunted all of them down, destroyed the huts and feasted on their flesh and blood until the sun rose. It would have been a simple vengeance against unruly pests who draw my ire, one I had dished out many times before. And you are the one to defy it.”

Yuuji’s body shuddered. He drew his coat closer, holding onto it just to have some semblance of support.

“And then I realized that you are travelling north. I told you I’m awaiting your arrival. But how could I fight against a starving man?”

Yuuji was haunted by pictures of Kyoho.

“Kyoho… was it all just to get me to eat?” Yuuji couldn’t even sound angry. He was simply despaired, despair to the point it stuck to him like a second skin.

“That was one reason. The other was just wanting to know if you’d come out all on your own, and you did! So sweet!” Yuuji couldn’t help the whimper escaping his throat. “What a hero! And you are still so determined to protect those lowly humans by avoiding them. I wonder what needs to happen for you to lose that stupidity.”

“… If I lost it, I wouldn’t travel up north. I’d just die.”

Sukuna chuckled. “Well said. It’ll be a pleasure to turn your heroism into adoration once you stand by my side.”

“…” … “Adoration…? For you?”

“Who else, brat? You think I’ll settle for a one-sided union?”

Yuuji shuddered again.

That was a threat.


The worst part about Sukuna talking was that Yuuji couldn’t ignore him. He told himself, again and again, to just not answer but he always did. Always. He kept talking and talking, changing topics, asking questions, getting angry, hating himself for being so weak, but he couldn’t stop.

He just wanted to talk with someone and Sukuna was the only one.

Yuuji’s chin was held up when he was once again lost in thought.

“Eyes up, brat. The sky is prettier than dirt.”

“Can’t even argue with that.”

Despite the cold season, it wasn’t all too cloudy. The sky was blue, the sun shone brightly. The air was cold, the trees were leafless, the ground frozen, but the sky was an artwork.

“Do you manipulate the sky?”

“The sky is not my domain. But I can paint the moon with blood. Remind all mortals they are prey and will one day dye for me.”




“Dye. Dye! The moon with their blood, because they will be dead!”

“Ah. Ah, yeah. I get it.”

“You didn’t laugh.”


“I ought to slap you for that. I will only sent a rat your way this night.”

“Oh, don’t! Rats are disgusting and don’t taste as good!” Yuuji couldn’t believe what he just uttered. How casual he spoke to this cruel c*nt of a god who broke him twice, merely because he was the only one around to talk to. “Also, you’re a rat yourself!”

A second went by before Sukuna burst out laughing.

“To think simply talking is all you need to be happy!” Yuuji wouldn’t call his current state happy.Less thinking about how broken he is, maybe. “How sad you had lived all that way in the south. Really should have had my shrine build more in the centre.”


“It used to be in the centre, to be honest. But an earthquake had happened during an argument with my rival god Gojo and some land up north got split from Shuryo and I hadn’t bothered to move the shrine. Don’t think I lost, have you ever heard of the sky god Gojo?”


You’re welcome.”

Huh? Whatever- “That’s not what I was asking. Why would it be better if your shrine was in the centre of the island?”

“So my presence is everywhere equally. Speaking of… I think you are close enough to meet me.”

Yuuji was sure to not forget that little yet huge piece of information about the shrine.

“Meet you? How?”

“I’ll be able to manifest in a humanoid form. Do you want that?”

“No.” No doubt, no thinking. Just no.

“… That was fast. I thought we got along.”

“We don’t get along, you are just taking advantage of my social and bubbly nature. Doesn’t mean I want to meet you. Hearing your voice is torture enough.”

A few seconds of silence passed.

“Well. I did ask. Damned brat.”

Strangely, that was it for the rest of the day. Sukuna stopped bothering him well into the night. Not that Yuuji was complaining – He enjoyed those hours of silence.


The brat had enough food to not go for a hunt that night and Sukuna was glad about it. Instead of sending a puppy for his future-bride and present-headache to feast on, he used that pup for his manifestation.

Initially, he had wanted to just appear as a spirit as it was the easy path. However, the brat’s insolence brought a better idea upfront. As a spirit, he couldn’t interact with the mortal realm – With the added sacrifice of a mortal body, he could. And he would.

Creating a physical manifestation like this was always such a hassle, effort for nothing worth it. The only place he could do this without a sacrifice was his shrine, a task he only did for a challenge. But outside of that? Interacting with mortals in the guise of one had ceased to be any fun ages ago. He wasn’t fond of the mortal realm and he didn’t like the restrictions of a fleshy body. So many muscles, fragile bones, so much stretching and so many limitations.

Sukuna made do but only because he knew his reward would be worth it.

The cold didn’t bother him and he got rid of all the flesh-chunks, bone-particles and blood off his mortal body with a handwave, and summoned his usual attire and deer skull crown with another.

The brat was inside a little cave, protected from moonlight.

“How peaceful you sleep after all you’ve done… And yet you resent me for breaking you when you’re clearly not broken. Make it make sense, brat.”

Sukuna got on his knees to carry his brat outside of that pathetic cave and into the moonlight. The thought to rescue the brat’s clothes crossed his mind but he didn’t bother. He could get him better clothes, clothes befitting his fiancé.

Surprisingly, the brat did not wake up during his transformation. At least not in a way Sukuna could qualify as waking up – He screamed, he whined, but had he been truly conscious? The act of transformation isn’t one to allow clear thinking. The moment that first beastly heartbeat takes its course through the body, the body already belongs to Sukuna. Nothing can stop the transformation once it starts.

The moonlight was Sukuna’s domain and he possessed all that was drowned by it. The brat was his before he woke up, when that first shine of the moonlight hit his adorable face, and he continued to be his when he came forth as the powerful weretiger Sukuna loved to see.

“Come.” Sukuna sat down and leaned against the hill, inviting his dearest kitten onto his lap.

Sukuna’s mortal body was around two meters tall, meaning the brat was much bigger and taller than him in his beastly form. His fur had a pink hue and was rather long, sticking upwards, downwards, just going in all directions. His eyes shone golden and his pupils expanded enough to almost cover up the colour.

The brat came closer with low whining noises, hesitant. All until he was close enough to get a gentle head pat. Sukuna started with soft caresses and moved lower to the jaw, giving a few rubs and urging the brat closer.

Sukuna knew very well how much the brat suffered from loneliness and it was only more apparent as a beast. The human could think and self-sabotage because of it. The beast only had instincts and those told him that Sukuna was a safe haven.

The slight hesitation left the brat, letting out a deep, guttural cry. He even teared up.

“No need to hunt, kitten. Just let yourself be loved.”

The brat did as told. He curled up all around Sukuna and rested his head on his lap. Sukuna had to admit – This felt nice. Cuddling with his beasts. The brat was an anxious mess slowly calming down. He trembled and shivered until Sukuna’s rubs and pats soothed it all out. The brat soon started to purr and lean into every touch, use his whole body to rub Sukuna back and curl up further as if he wanted to give his master a warm nest.

The brat couldn’t hide from Sukuna like this. He knew exactly what he wanted, what he craved and needed, and was finally incapable of denying it. All the brat needed to be happy was give in to his master Sukuna. Sukuna would give him all the comfort and affection he wanted.

For hours until the sun rose again, comfort and affection is what the brat received.

Not a minute went by without the brat shedding tears and purring, reacting so sweetly to Sukuna’s quiet praise and doting. Such a sweet kitten. Good boy. My dearest. You’re so lovely. You’re mine.

Sukuna was almost disappointed when the sun rose – He could have showered his brat with love for a lot longer, this wish only amplified by how receptive the sweet kitty was. The brat was transforming back into his human self, back into that cognitive cage of denial.

What would it take for the brat to give himself up to Sukuna?

Sukuna felt cold where his giant beast was no longer present. The brat was so small as a human. The giant head and snout that had covered more than both of Sukuna’s legs only covered one thigh now. The giant body full of heat was a cold, shivering mess now. Naked, needing a blanket.

Sukuna summoned several beautiful pieces of clothing fitting for his future bride to shield him from the cold.

It took several minutes before the brat was fully awake, opening his eyes and realizing his current position. Sukuna watched his glassy eyes become clearer, looking ahead, straight forward, confused by what he saw, looking up, seeing Sukuna and slowly, really slow, opening his eyes wide as recognition set foot.

As if struck by lightning, the brat sat up - Sukuna had to lean forward to keep the clothes from falling off the brat’s body.

“Good morning.” Sukuna said, co*cking a smile.

The brat was suddenly out of breath.

“Wha… What did you do…?” The brat was hardly speaking above a whisper, voice sounding hollow. Close to crying. “I- I told you I don’t want to meet you…!”

Sukuna was just about to catch the brat, thinking he’d try to get away. Run. … But no. The brat was definitely thinking about it but didn’t do anything. Sukuna watched his expression. Watched the brat slowly tear up while he curled into himself.

Ah. Memories.

The brat knew exactly what he had done as a beast. Hours upon hours of seeking comfort and affection from the one he had refused. Sukuna couldn’t help but feel for him.

“Wasn’t it nice, kitten?” Sukuna itched closer to the brat, going through that soft pink hair. “To finally give in…? There is no point in denying me.”

The brat was whimpering and sobbing, shaking.

“It- it’s… it’s all your doing… your fault….”

“Does that change anything?” Sukuna drew his brat closer, into a hug. “Does it change anything about how much you need me?”

“I- I’ll kill you.”

How delusional can a mortal be?

Sukuna gently pressed his brat onto the ground, on top of all those layers of soft clothing. The brat wasn’t doing anything with his arms and hands, just letting them lie limp on the ground, next to his head.

He looked so soft and delectable like this. Face flushed from his tears, skin slowly warming up and turning the morning dust into dew. Sukuna watched all those small little droplets form on the brat’s chest and neck, wishing to just sink into it all.

The brat’s golden eyes were closed but slowly opened up to look at him. Sukuna wasn’t quiet sure what he saw inside them. It wasn’t defiance but not acceptance either.

“… What are you thinking, brat?”

That brat needed a few deep gulps of air.

“… What do you even see…?”

Sukuna tilted his head a little bit.

“I see what is mine.” Sukuna ran a finger down the brat’s cheek, catching both tears and dew. “A hunter to anyone and anything else, but prey only to me. If you could see yourself through my eyes, you’d understand why I’m still asking for your name.”

Sukuna dipped down after getting rid of his headdress, wanting to hear those whimpers up close as he kissed his prey’s cheek. His temple, his neck.

“Millions of mortals and it is your name I want…” Sukuna kissed, licked and nipped at his brat’s neck, ears and collarbone. He touched scorching soft skin and pliable muscle, felt the shivers, gasps of air and soft moans he caused. This alone was worth the hassle of becoming flesh, Sukuna thought after intertwining their hands.

“P-please stop…” The brat kept sobbing without a fight.

“Will you end your journey to my shrine?”

“… H-huh…?”

Sukuna lifted his head again to look down at his prey.

“I’ll leave you alone. I’ll even remove the curse from your bones. If you end your journey to my shrine. If you let go of your goal to kill me. Say you give up on all that and I’ll let you go and never know your name. … Can you do that?”

Sukuna saw the brat’s eyes widen, making room for even more tears to spill. He felt kind and merciful enough to not smirk down at his prey in knowing triumph, not before dipping back down again to continue his kisses.

The brat whined, tensed up without ever struggling.

“I… Itadori… Yuuji.”

Ah… Yuuji was sobbing as he said it and continued right after.

“Yuuji… A wonderful name.”

Chapter 6: ARTS


Sketched a bit of how I imagine both Sukuna and Weretiger Yuuji in this fic + something extra ~ :D

Chapter Text

Your path into bloodlust - BaeBeyza - 呪術廻戦 (1)

He's beckoning you to come closer :3c ~

Sukuna is much more of an asshole than the character he's based on in this fic, which is owed to the fact that Sukuna is just a damn asshole in general.
The whole "challenge him to a fair fight" is taken from the games though, as the god of hunt Hircine from TES is pretty neutral and fair overall. Saying as it is kind of OOC for canon Sukuna but gotta make the plot work somehow-

In the games, the souls of werewolves go to Hircine after they die. I had thought about adding something like this but didn't want to be too cruel to Yuuji: Having death as a backdoor out of misery gotta be part of the misery train here.

Your path into bloodlust - BaeBeyza - 呪術廻戦 (2)

I don't draw animals much-

Dunno why I felt the need to draw him hissing like this, just imagine he be hissing at Sukuna. I never actually imagined him walking on two feet, I had more the image of a scourge beast from Bloodborne in mind - four-legged and with long fur! But like, as a tiger. He's still really big and long, taller than Sukuna!

Your path into bloodlust - BaeBeyza - 呪術廻戦 (3)

Hehe ~

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

What kind of life had Yuuji wished to live? How had he strayed so far away from that?

Watch over his people, protect them, show them the woods, make sure everyone is fed, marry, have his own kids, become like grandpa one day: One of the elders who watches over everyone else.

Now, his only way to protect anyone was to stay away. And the one person he wanted to be closest with was the cruel god who caused all his misery in the first place.

Yuuji remembered how wonderful this one peaceful night as a beast had been. He remembered it with a flushing face, with a sudden fluttering heartbeat. No one had ever shown him this much affection, had said such sweet words. No one had caressed him like this ever since he’d been a toddler. He was always determined to be a warrior, a man, a protector. Men didn’t get head pats. Men didn’t cuddle. Men didn’t cry while seeking comfort through touch.

Had he married Yuko, would she have shown him affection like this? Would he have even known it’s what he wanted…?

Did he want that?

As far as Yuuji knew, this was the same as the bloodlust: Hadn’t it been for his lycanthropy, he wouldn’t want it. He wouldn’t get so hungry for raw flesh and blood if he hadn’t been cursed. And likewise, he wouldn’t feel the need to be treated like a pet by Sukuna if Sukuna hadn’t cursed him.

… But his loneliness was real. The need for comfort was all him. That urge to kneel and view Sukuna as his master was the curse, but his need for affection was all him. He just wished he could get it from anyone else.

“Get your arm off me!” Yuuji did his best to keep away from Sukuna, who decided to keep him company in his fleshy form. Because tormenting him with his voice alone wasn’t enough, no, the c*nt had to take it a step further.

Sukuna was huge like this, over a head taller than Yuuji. He looked pretty close to the image in Yuuji’s dreams, with the same clothes, accessories and deer skull crown. What wasn’t the same were the four eyes and arms, he only had two of each. Right now, Yuuji couldn’t see Sukuna’s eyes and he didn’t let himself think about how beautiful they had been this morning, when Sukuna had kissed his neck- stop thinking about that!

“Why so mad, Yuuji?” Yuuji liked it more when Sukuna had just referred to him as brat. “Still miffed I didn’t touch you any further?”

“No! I’m mad you touched me at all!”

“Why are you even trying to deny anything? As if you could hide your feelings from me.”

“You know nothing about me.”

“I keep tabs on all my pups. Your soul and body are mine. Besides, your beast doesn’t lie.”

Yuuji hated this the most. His beast. The beast that was put inside of him.

Yuuji wanted to deny it, wanted to deny that anything the beast wanted was connected to him. He wanted to believe that the beast was a complete separate entity, one he only shared a body with. …But he just couldn’t.

The beastly desires of flesh and blood were present all day. The only part of this bloodlust he hadn’t given into was the urge for human flesh. All that he still wanted to deny, saying it was all due to the curse. But wanting closeness to Sukuna just didn’t feel the same way. He knew it was the same but his feelings kept lying to him.

Who else but Sukuna could give him company and affection anyway…?

It would be the right thing to do, only Sukuna would love him after all he’s done. No human would ever love him and he’d always carry the burden of his sins on his shoulders. Sukuna loved him for those exact sins, so it was fine, wasn’t it?

Yuuji could never let any other human come close, he could never open up and let someone in. But Sukuna was already here, knowing everything about him anyway.

Besides, Yuuji was Sukuna’s favourite, wasn’t he? The one he’d take as a bride. The one he cuddled with for an entire night. Had Sukuna done that with any of his other pups? Had he touched any other pup the way he had touched Yuuji…?

Yuuji hated those thoughts.

How did his hatred get drowned out like this? … Well, it didn’t really. He was still determined to kill that c*nt. And all his thoughts about how he could never be loved by a human ever again was definitely part of that decision. But not all of it.

Yuuji still needed to redeem himself and get rid of Sukuna. He needed to free this island. And he would.

“How long are you planning to stay incarnated like this?” Yuuji asked, staring at those giant hands. Thinking about how warm and soft they had felt despite the sharp and long claws. How they found any sore spot on his beastly form and soothed each. How they eased any tension and anxiety out of his body, how they came closer to his face-

“Eyes up, brat.”

Yuuji wasn’t sure if the real touch was worse than the invisible touch he had experienced before, when all he heard was a voice. As he looked at Sukuna, at the tanned skin, sharp jaw and hard edges, he figured it was definitely worse than looking at nothing. He felt himself flush and hated it so much.

“What am I supposed to look at?” Yuuji backed away from the hold on his chin. “The empty eye sockets of your deer crown?”


“I don’t see your eyes!”

“What makes you so insolent to think you’d have any right to look into my eyes? The eyes of a god?”

“… You had showed me this morning.”

“… So I have.”

Yuuji and Sukuna were simply walking side by side. It felt surreal. Especially because it turned silent and Sukuna was just… tuned out? He looked at a slight angle ahead, to the sky, arms crossed. His head tilted from side to side just a little bit.

All of this was just weird. Awkward. How much longer did he have to suffer, why was the shrine still so far away?

“These lands are too open.” After what felt like an hour of walking, Sukuna spoke up again. “Too much light. Sunlight. I could never reveal my eyes in the domain of another.”


“The day. My domain is the night. And you will only find access to my eyes when the moon still shines.”

Yuuji blinked up at him.

“But you showed them to me this morning. When the sun had already risen.”

“It wasn’t bright then.”

“…” … “Are your eyes sensitive to light?”

Sukuna looked at Yuuji, tilting his head with one sudden and sharp movement. “Are you saying I have a weakness?”

Hm…. “Not a weakness. Just a dislike to brightness.”

It took several seconds for Sukuna to change the odd angle of his head. And he only slowly changed it to stare back ahead.

Odd conversation.


Time passed by and the night was slowly coming and Sukuna was still around. In flesh, too close, always a flinch away from touching Yuuji.

Yuuji was searching for yet another cave to sleep in but. Sukuna was still around.

Yuuji turned around to look at his companion:

“You won’t carry me to the moonlight again.”

“Is that an order?” Sukuna didn’t sound friendly and caused Yuuji to jump in his skin. The urge to kneel was crushing in that moment.

“It is!” And yet, Yuuji had no actual desire to be respectful to the cruel god. “I need to sleep!”

“You can lie down on my lap again.”

Sukuna came nearer, backing Yuuji into the ice cold wall behind him. With the sun going down, Sukuna removed the deer skull crown. Yuuji wasn’t sure what had him so transfixed on those bright, red eyes. Open wide, pouring heat into his body.

“… Don’t want to.” Yuuji turned his head to the side but it was pulled back, his chin held tightly between two razor-sharp claws.

“Earlier you bitched about not being able to see my eyes and now you avert your gaze?” Sukuna looked unimpressed, almost insulted. But all Yuuji could think about was how that glowing red took over his vision, as if that colour was all Yuuji could perceive. He imagined the god’s pink hair to have that colour because of his eyes’ brightness. “Stop being so difficult, brat. Stop denying yourself. I know you want me. I know very well how much you want my closeness and yearn for my affection, dear.”

Yuuji’s breath hitched. He felt incredibly small, as if he had no body at all. All because Sukuna came closer and spoke directly into his ear. The warm breath spread over to mix in with the heat inside Yuuji, the only thing he was aware of besides his loudly beating heart.

Yuuji looked directly at Sukuna’s red eye. It reminded him of dusk. The last thing to see before the night. The last thing to see before death.

“Fine. I won’t sleep then.” Yuuji pushed Sukuna away from him, surprised that he could – Given the god’s expression, he hadn’t seen that coming. “Try to touch me and I will fight you.”

Several seconds passed in which Sukuna’s perplexed expression turned into a pout. Or, at least, the godly and dignified version of a pout. “Fine. Make yourself suffer. You’ll end up crawling back to me.”

Sukuna summoned his deer skull crown again and Yuuji couldn’t explain why it felt like a rejection. As if he hurt the god’s feelings. The fact he needed to remind himself that he didn’t and shouldn’t give a single f*ck about that cruel god’s feelings was devastating. He hated that god. Always had. Sukuna had broken him to pieces. Sukuna was the reason he could never have human connection again. The reason he viewed death as his one friend that would welcome him.

But Yuuji wasn’t ready to die just yet. He had a plan. A goal. And he could take that cruel and weird god being an absolute menace for a few more days.

“I can take a few days without sleep. Just you see.”


Two days without sleep were horrible and Yuuji couldn’t take it anymore.

He couldn’t live in denial about it either after he woke up to Sukuna carrying him on his back because he fell asleep. He just fell asleep! Sat down to drink a bit of water, lied down to rest and fell asleep! He should hunt this night but how could he when feeling this exhausted and tired?



Yuuji and Sukuna were inside another little cave, giving each other the silent treatment. Every few seconds, Yuuji nodded off just to startle awake. No sleep. No sleep. Can’t sleep. No getting forced into the moonlight. Please, no moonlight….

“Sukuna.” This one word came out like a tearful whine.

“Yes?” This word was also drawn out, but through a smirk.

“… I want a deal.”

“You think you have the grounds to make a deal? But please, entertain me. What are your terms?”

“You won’t make me kill humans….” Yuuji curled into himself, letting his head rest on his knees.

“No.” This word hurt like a blow.

“Why not?” Yuuji uncurled himself, showing his anger towards Sukuna.

Sukuna just smirked with his cheek on his fist. “What would I get out of this? Especially if I can just wait for you to fall asleep.”

Yuuji’s body tensed up. But he refused to give up.

“Why don’t you make a deal then?”

“Oh?” Sukuna came closer, hovering over Yuuji. After two days, he finally got rid of his crown again. His eyes shone in the darkness of the cave. “Desperate, aren’t we? But alright: You will willingly transform into my beast whenever I tell you to.”

“What?” Yuuji was close to getting up- He did try to get up and hit his head on the low cave ceiling. “What! How is that a deal!”

Sukuna pushed Yuuji down with one hand on his head, ruffling through his hair. It felt nice and condescending all at the same time. “Remember how I keep tabs on all my pups? Sometimes I give them orders. And if I have an order for you, I want you to transform willingly. But if I don’t have an order for you, I’ll just cuddle with you. However, if you don’t want to make this deal with me, I’ll just have you transform each night and let you go loose. I myself can live with either option! Let you kill and hunt humans for one hour and cuddle you for the rest of the night is fine by me!”

“…” Yuuji started to shiver.

Sukuna’s eyes had something soft in them. And still, his entire expression spoke of triumph, a knowing smirk of victory.

Yuuji was cold and tired and didn’t know what to do. … He had one last idea.

“I want a gift.”


“Yes, a blessing!” Yuuji didn’t know what had him reach towards Sukuna and get hold of his neck, drawing him closer. “This is not a fair deal and you know it! I’ll accept, but only if I get something else in return.”

Sukuna tilted his head as he always did, moving the hand he had on top of Yuuji to his nape. “Oh? And what kind of blessing are you thinking of?”

“… Fire magic.”

Sukuna blinked at him.

“And here I thought you’d choose something like control over your beastly body. Fire magic? Really?”

“Yes.” Yuuji was so sure of this, he couldn’t believe it. “I always wanted to do magic! Fire especially! You know how much I struggle with making fires by now, don’t you? I just want to keep warm and play around with fire before our fight.”

Sukuna still looked confused but just rolled his eyes after a second with a sigh. “Fine. If that is all. Give me your hand.”

Yuuji was witness to a binding vow, a divine transaction. … He’d have to willingly transform whenever Sukuna wanted him to. But… he also had fire powers now.

Yuuji took a deep breath and spewed fire with his exhale.

“… Awesome!”

“Yeah, yeah, awesome, now transform so we can cuddle.”

… This night of cuddling wasn’t bad at all.

As conflicting as this whole thing was, Yuuji could handle it. He had a plan, after all.


Cursed to find that cruel god who ruined your life hot :'(

Chapter 8


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sukuna couldn’t explain just how much he loved having Yuuji curled up around him all night. A deathless trap in which Yuuji’s needs were satisfied against his cognitive denial.

The denial was still a barrier between Sukuna and Yuuji’s heart, even after their binding vow. Even if Yuuji willingly walked into the moonlight to transform, he still did it with hesitation. And yet, once he was a beast, he drank up Sukuna’s affection, life-giving liquid he couldn’t find anywhere else inside his isolated drought.

The beast loved Sukuna and knew its place, just when would his human part follow? No other of his pups drew such a clear line between human and beast – Such line shouldn’t exist. The beast was the lifeline to Sukuna, the connection between god and mortal. Yuuji, like any other, should give into that connection and accept the blessing, to live a life as Sukuna’s pet.

Such a stubborn kitten. But that’s what made Yuuji so interesting.

“Why do you defy me, Yuuji?”

Yuuji was still curled around Sukuna, purring loudly at his words, unable to answer. Sukuna wasn’t sure if the beast would even have answers for him. But he did react to Sukuna’s question.

“Why won’t you just accept your new life? What will it take?” Yuuji’s body tensed up and let out a wounded whine. “You want to defeat me, what then? When I take your soul to my divine realm, will you continue to be difficult? I hope not.”

Yuuji stirred a little bit, turning his head around. Sukuna looked at one giant golden eye with a round pupil. What did his kitten wish to convey?

Sukuna moved a little bit to put both hands on Yuuji’s fluffy cheeks. “Why is your human part so difficult, Yuuji? Why is he still so attached to dead mortals? I should be enough. I’m a god. He didn’t want to be removed from me, so why? Why does he want me dead? Why does he even think he can achieve that? Make it make sense to me, kitten.”

Yuuji just looked up at him before licking his face. The rough texture of his tongue felt nice, so Sukuna let it happen.

“What is that supposed to mean, Yuuji…? I know you love me. You deny it, but I know the truth. Why all this pretend-hatred? What is more important to you than your own happiness? You’d be so happy with me and you know it. You’re not even choosing death over me, so what is it…?”

Only those chosen became were-creatures. A were-creature couldn’t just infect someone without Sukuna’s intervention. He had cursed Yuuji out of revenge first… was that it? Was Yuuji angry? Angry that Sukuna didn’t see him killing his entire village coming? …

“… Yuuji, you won’t get your old life back. Whatever plans you had, they won’t become real. You’re mine now and it’s a blessing. What must I do for you to see that…?”

Yuuji had no answer to give. The sun rose and he turned back into the difficult, stubborn and self-denying brat.


Had Yuuji not been so determined to avoid any human settlement, the journey would have been much shorter. But no, the brat took many turns and long roads around hills and mountains instead. Even if Sukuna had legit plans to send Yuuji after humans, he couldn’t because they were too far away from them.

However, because of Yuuji’s constant whirling around the path, they ended up close to the eastern shore. One giant and long river flowed from the sea into Shuryo and Sukuna could tell that a ship would soon set close by. The ship was still at sea, so Yuuji couldn’t smell them, but Sukuna knew everything about and around his island.

“Yuuji, we will settle here.”

“Hm? Why? We still have a few hours until sunset.”

Sukuna picked Yuuji up, ignoring his whining, so the brat could see the river. Yuuji was definitely capable of seeing the river before but he wanted to make his stance clear. “Isn’t this a beautiful sight?”

“Eh,” Yuuji stopped his struggling. “I- I guess?”

“So we’ll stay and enjoy it. Experience some romance before the wedding.”

“Ugh… fine.”

Sukuna was beyond pissed at the lack of enthusiasm. But fine. Alright. Play hard to get brat. Sukuna wasn’t the god of the hunt for nothing.

Sukuna wouldn’t call himself the romantic type but he knew a few things about it. Like roses. Only that it was cold and no roses were blooming. What else was romantic? Kisses? Not exciting enough. Couldn’t sleep with Yuuji either, not before the wedding night.

He knew exactly what he wanted from Yuuji but felt it necessary to offer something himself….

Yuuji was sitting by the river bank, throwing stones inside. He looked peaceful for once. Even with a hint of a smile gracing his lips. … Peace, huh…? Yuuji liked peace. That just so happened to be a thing Sukuna wasn’t hyped about. How could he work with that? And how could he turn it into something romantic?

Sukuna approached Yuuji from behind:

“Yuuji,” Yuuji turned around just a little bit. “Is the river as peaceful as an uneventful night?”

“Hm?” Yuuji turned around fully now, still seated. “Peaceful? … Neither is really peaceful, is it? The river is always moving and people drown in it. The night is never peaceful because people get hunted during it.”

Sukuna tilted his head, deer skull rattling just a bit. “But you were so peaceful right now. Calm. Dare I say, content.”

Yuuji blinked up at him.

“I guess,” He scratched the back of his head as he continued to explain. “Just for that moment, I didn’t think about death. Just about how beautiful the river is. The water is so clear, the waves make such smooth sounds. And the night? When you look up at the stars and enjoy the silence, you can also just focus on beauty, not about the hunters lurking about.”

“…” Sukuna decided to crouch down to be closer to Yuuji. Look at his fiancé and see if he can find something inside he hadn’t noticed before. “I find you most beautiful covered in blood.”

Yuuji had been so neutral and unbothered before, just to frown now and try to establish some distance. “Wow, thank you. Nothing peaceful about that.”

“How come? When covered in blood, the bloodshed has already passed by. It’s just the one moment of beauty devoid of death, isn’t it?”

“The blood is always a reminder of death!”

“So are the waves of a river.”

“…” Yuuji crossed his arms and turned around again, like some insolent child. “The waves are meant to exist, however, while blood is meant to be inside bodies, not lying outside on the ground!”

“As if.” Sukuna finally had an idea for a romantic gesture.

He removed his deer skull, knowing how much Yuuji loved his eyes, and sat on one knee, moving closer to his beloved. With his higher stature he was able to hover above Yuuji, especially with his arms.

As he held both arms above Yuuji, Sukuna cut through both of his wrists.

Yuuji was startled and looked up, just to lower his gaze right after. “What- What are you doing!”

Sukuna felt irritated when Yuuji tried to get away, into the river – “None of that, Yuuji.”

Sukuna held Yuuji’s left shoulder in an iron grip while the other was still above, letting a stream of blood shower his beloved. He lowered his head to speak directly into Yuuji’s ear:

“See? My blood is now outside of my body, without death.” Sukuna moved Yuuji’s head so his blood would fall on his face. Yuuji pressed his eyes and mouth close, but didn’t struggle any further. Once Sukuna thought it was enough, he held Yuuji with both arms and pulled him on his lap, back to chest.

“… What do you feel, Yuuji?” Sukuna still spoke directly into Yuuji’s ear.

Yuuji was a little out of breath: Sukuna felt his chest heaving up and down and heard his soft panting.

“Is- Is… is this supposed to be peaceful…?”

Sukuna tilted his head while pushing Yuuji’s head backwards again, wanting their eyes to meet.

“Is it not?” Sukuna added a few more cuts to his wrists, rubbing his hands along Yuuji’s body, under his clothes and on his warm skin. Yuuji’s body shuddered and a few whimpers escaped his throat. “I’m sharing something from deep within me with you. It’s intimate.”

Yuuji was silent for a while. But he calmed down. Sukuna watched his expression calm down to look serene, almost tired. All tension left Yuuji’s body soon enough, letting himself fall and get caught by Sukuna.

“Blood without dying… it might be peaceful after all.”

“…” … “What does it feel like, Yuuji?” Sukuna whispered.

“Warm. Your blood is very warm….”

Sukuna moved his right arm to Yuuji’s face, lightly rubbing his lower lip and smearing his blood on it. “Let’s enjoy it, then.”


Yuuji noticed the smell before the sun had set. Sukuna knew because of how anxious he got all of a sudden, wanting to get up and leave. Sukuna stopped him with a grip on his arm.

“Where do you think you’re going, Yuuji?”

Yuuji looked back at him, fear in his eyes.

“… I smell humans. How- Why now? I hadn’t smelled them this whole time, why now?”

“A ship is coming our way.”

“Ship?” Yuuji looked at the river. “A ship can come here…?”

“It is a wide river, is it not?”

“A-and… we’ll just cuddle tonight, right?”

“No.” Sukuna looked at Yuuji, who looked back at him with despair in his eyes. A silent plea. “I want you to do something romantic for me.”

Sukuna felt the sudden tension and strength in Yuuji’s arm, but also how both ebbed away. Which didn’t mean that Yuuji became calm, no, he was full of erratic energy and fear. He just didn’t fight Sukuna about it.

“R-romantic…? I can find you pretty seashells if you want something romantic!”

“I have no need for seashells.” Sukuna got on his knees, drew Yuuji closer. “I want you to kill everyone on that coming ship and paint the river red. But don’t eat them. Don’t destroy the ship. I want it to arrive on land. Leave exactly one person alive, let them tell the tale of the death-coloured tiger.”

Sukuna caressed Yuuji’s cheek with one claw while he talked, catching a few tear drops.

“H-how is that romantic…?” Yuuji’s voice was full of cracks.

Sukuna felt the moonlight already. He didn’t have much time to explain.

“You’ll see when you’re finished.”


Sukuna watched the whole spectacle.

From Yuuji walking into the moonlight with teary eyes and shaking legs. To his transformation. To the one hug he wanted from Sukuna, that one pat on his head. All before he sprinted forward, in the direction of the upcoming ship.

That wish for affection caught Sukuna off-guard.

Yuuji wanted to be comforted but didn’t ask for it as a human… Sukuna touched his cheek, feeling his face warming up.

The slaughter was delicious.

Yuuji didn’t eat a single person, but he sliced them up very well. So much blood dripped down the ship into the water without a single corpse falling off of it. He was done way before the sun would rise again.

One person was left alive and Yuuji ripped off a small part of his fur in front of them. And then, he came back to Sukuna.

Sukuna embraced him. Yuuji was sad, crying, whining. Even as a beast he was sad to kill. He only did it because he had no choice. Because killing was part of Sukuna’s blessing. Yuuji didn’t have to do it when Sukuna didn’t wish him to, as was the case right now, and any other night in which he only wanted to cuddle with his sweet kitten.

“You’re not that different from your human-self, are you, Yuuji?” Sukuna kissed Yuuji’s forehead while rubbing his ears. “Even as a beast you feel horrible for killing and feasting. How sad…. Like the river and blood, you’ve gotten blurry. Where does the beast begin and the human end? The beast is you, Yuuji. And you are the beast. You hate to kill humans and you love me.”

Yuuji whined before laying down on Sukuna’s lap, eyes closed.

“How peculiar. For my strongest to reject me like this. You don’t want to change for me, do you? You don’t want to turn into the hunter I wish you’d be. But still, you want to hunt me. What is your plan, Yuuji? Make it make sense. You will never defeat me. You can’t be dense enough not to know that. You know what will happen when you lose. You’ll be my bride. But you don’t even show your love for me. … Why are you so difficult? Why must I wait to find out?”

“Yuuji. Promise me you’ll be happy as my bride.”


I had planned for Sukuna to go all wet-daydreaming about how sexy Yuuji is when he kills people, but instead it turned sad :/
Gotta find a way to get back on track next chapter-

Chapter 9


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yuuji wasn’t talking much on those last few days of his journey. Sukuna watched him walk with his shoulders and head low, biting down the urge to lift him up by his chin as usual.

Instead, he just observed. Tried to understand, even.

Sukuna knew, in theory, that Yuuji was upset about the ship. But also that it wouldn’t matter in the long run. Sukuna had broken him this way twice already, and his brat always came out victorious. He had cracked but put himself back together, all for his goal to kill Sukuna.

Sukuna loved that spirit. Yuuji’s aim was as ridiculous as it was high, so he should look up. Stop looking at the ground, damn it. Stop being so damn depressed. You’re strong, you have pride, the mortal world is beneath you, look up, look up, look up…!

Yuuji’s damned attachment to dirt and maggot-ridden corpses was infuriating. What the hell was he doing? He should finally see his place as being above anyone on this island! Were Yuuji not so determined to challenge him, leading to his death, Sukuna would make him Shuryo’s king. Have both his worshippers and parasites bow down before him and claim him as his bride when he died of old age.

Yuuji paused at noon as he always did for a little rest, but took much longer to get up again. Sukuna was confused but understood why.

“Thinking about a path away from the settlements?”

Yuuji was startled by Sukuna’s voice, as if he had forgotten him. Insolent brat. “Ah… yes. The human scent is so strong.”

Sukuna walked closer to Yuuji, summoning his hunting spear to draw on the ground:

“You won’t be able to avoid those towns. If this dot is my shrine, this big circle around it is a lineup of many different villages and towns. They have settled around my shrine over the ages, offering tributes all on their own for riches and resources.”


“Praying to a god is disgusting?”

“Offering human life in trade of riches is disgusting. On top of praying for you. As if any riches you could offer would make life better… My village was happy, all we needed was more food and water so we didn’t die.”

Sukuna tilted his head while he looked at his brat. Yuuji still had his gaze on the ground. “You think you would never have craved more? You mortals are a very greedy and selfish breed.”

Finally, Yuuji looked up. Furious, but Sukuna didn’t care. He was just glad to see those golden eyes again.

“Of course they are! They see gold and betray their own people for it! The rich might be happy, but only because they send others to their death. Do those tributes justify their death? Are they happy their neighbours can chew on gems?”

“Some do.”

“Because they don’t know we humans can do without all that. … They disgust me. And you disgust me as well!”


At the very least, Yuuji started to move again.




“What is the plan, Yuuji? You won’t be able to make it to my shrine until tomorrow’s noon.”


“Want to search for a cave again? Or visit a town and ask if you could stay for the night?”


“Wouldn’t recommend that, I doubt anyone would give you space. Being greedy and selfish, you know.”

“What will you do?”

Yuuji stopped in his tracks and Sukuna did too.


“Yes.” Yuuji looked up at him. Not as furious as before but only because it was hidden. “Will you just march up into one of those villages with your half-naked bone aesthetic and deer skull crown?”

Sukuna felt… attacked. An attack with no weapons. He even narrowed his eyes.

“Brat, I might.” Sukuna leaned down, closer to his brat. “Do you think I can’t walk inside my towns, on my island? I might just announce our coming wedding, walk into all those towns carrying you in my arms. Anyone knows who I am and will act accordingly.”

Yuuji blinked a few times with puffed cheeks. But he didn’t give up, continuing this irrational attack on Sukuna’s person.

“Oh yeah? You expect me to believe you did that before? Just walk around town in flesh?”

“What makes you sure I haven’t?”

“Your flesh suit can be cut.” … “It can bleed! Idiots are everywhere, think no one dumb enough exists to challenge you on an open street? I’d do it!”

… Nothing the brat had said throughout their journey enraged Sukuna more than this. The arrogance! The pretend-confidence! The smugness and righteousness! Sukuna’s fists and jaw clenched.

“No one can touch me. I can cut myself but nothing else. I know what you are implying, you are saying I am too afraid to show weakness but I have no weaknesses for anyone to see.”

“So, did you ever walk among your people in a flesh suit?”

“I did not!” Sukuna was surprised by his own raised voice. “Because I never had reason to and because I don’t like walking in flesh! It’s a dislike, not a weakness!”

Yuuji had such an annoying expression on his face, lips all pursed up.

“When we fight, will you be flesh?”

“…” Not really. For his fights with challengers, he summoned an aspect, a spectre. A being not made of flesh and only solid due to his power manifesting to an almost perfect degree. “I could. Think you got better chances to win just because of such insignificant change?”

“I didn’t say that.” The brat was really getting on Sukuna’s nerves with his sudden nonchalant disposition. “All I’m saying is that you look weird and your crown is stupid.”

Sukuna didn’t know when he had last been this enraged. … Well, he hadn’t. He’d never been enraged. He had never followed a brat in his journey all in flesh. He had never cared to cuddle the same puppy over and over again. He had never cared whether one brat was looking up or not. And he had especially never cared about some dumb brat’s feelings…!

Why the hell did he care about Yuuji? Why was it important to him whether Yuuji would be happy as his bride? Why did he care about Yuuji getting over that stupid ship crew? Sukuna was a god and here he was, standing on dirt, caring for some dumbass kid.

… Sukuna crossed the gap between him and Yuuji, pushing the brat’s chin up, removing his crown.

“I’ve wondered why you are so attached to dead mortals, brat. And now I’m wondering why I’m so attached to you.” Sukuna didn’t care for Yuuji’s frown and slight tremor. “I wouldn’t be insulted by you calling my crown stupid if I wasn’t this attached. I’d just kill you. But… this isn’t a weakness.”

Sukuna had to swallow his pride down for this. A realization he couldn’t ignore.

“You’re not weak for your attachment to all those you killed. Such a bond could never be weak, especially when its only supported by one end. And neither is my attachment to you a weakness.”

Sukuna had talked with a firm voice, his hold on Yuuji’s chin tight. But he let his strength fade away. Decided to gently stroke Yuuji’s cheek instead. To pick him up and hold him close, hand on the back of his head, fingers going through that soft pink hair. Yuuji could only look at him with pink cheeks and pain in his eyes.

“I don’t want you attached to this mortal realm when I elevate you into mine… so I will break you again. I will break you until you finally let go. You will be mine and only mine, and I will not share your heart with anyone or anything else. Do you hear me?”

“…” Yuuji was just about to look down again, and Sukuna didn’t even need to touch him this time.

“Eyes up.”

“…” Yuuji looked back at Sukuna, holding up eye-contact, lower lip trembling. Sukuna wanted to kiss it. Chew away whatever made it tremble in the first place. … After a long second, Yuuji answered. “I hear you. … And what do you want from me now? Do… do you want me to give up? Or will you just interpret that as me giving in just so you won’t force me to kill again…?”

Yuuji’s voice broke at those last words, despite the fury they were wrapped up in.

Sukuna had to think about this.

“… Do whatever you want, Yuuji. Let this be my problem.”

“As if.” The sudden answer took Sukuna by surprise. “You won’t give up, won’t you? I won’t either. I will rip this island from your claws, do you hear? Do you hear me?”

“… I do. And I don’t believe you.”

“Neither do I believe you.”


For no reason but spite, Sukuna had wanted to do well by his offer: Go through one of the towns in flesh, carrying Yuuji in his arms, telling anyone that this brat will be his bride. However, Yuuji was against this.

“No, no, no! Put me down!” Another weakness of the flesh: Ripped eardrums.

“Stop shrieking.”

“Put me down first!”

Sukuna did, not even feeling bad because the sight of a completely flushed and out of breath Yuuji was tempting.

“Can I…” Yuuji struggled for words. “Can I please… have this one journey through a town to myself?”

Sukuna was in the middle of imagining Yuuji naked on his throne, that flush spreading to his entire body, breathing out his name in soft whimpers. But that question put a stop to his fantasies.


“Yes.” Damned brat, getting all pale and sober again. “I’ll… I’ll pray to you even.”


Yuuji got on his knees, much to Sukuna’s confusion. Forehead to the ground.

“My highest god, your majesty, your divineness… may I have this one last day inside a town to myself without killing anyone…?”

Sukuna just tilted his head.

“Get up, brat.” Sukuna was tempted to kick Yuuji, but decided on a light tap instead. “That’s not how you pray to me.”

Surprisingly, Yuuji hesitated before getting up. He didn’t even stand, choosing to stay on his knees. Sukuna had thought that the brat was messing with him again, but he saw in those eyes that Yuuji was genuine in his wish.

“Then tell me how to get this wish granted! I always wanted to visit a big town… these greedy and selfish people be damned, I just want to know what a big town looks like! Just… before our fight, I just want a few hours to forget everything that has happened….”

Sukuna… frowned. He tilted his head again, puzzled.

“Yuuji…” Sukuna crouched down, closer to Yuuji, as if more closeness would make it easier to understand. “Offering a wish just makes it easier to break you.” Sukuna wasn’t sure why he even spoke of this. “I’ll find a loophole in your wish. I’ll demand a human sacrifice for your prayer to be heard at all. I will use this to my advantage to finally cut the bond you share with the mortal realm. … Do you really want this?”

Yuuji teared up a little, but he stood his ground. He never shied away from Sukuna’s eyes.

“You know, Sukuna. That’s just what we mortals do. We show our weaknesses. We are fragile and vulnerable, and we are not trying to hide it. I am not sure you’ll ever understand but. But you already did the same thing.”

“Hm?” Sukuna got just a tad closer. “When?”

Sukuna felt as if he should be offended by Yuuji’s accusation but he wasn’t, strangely.

“You owned up to your fear of not having my heart to yourself.”


Somehow, Sukuna’s whole body calmed down. As if he could just fall to the ground with no muscle or bone supporting him. He literally felt himself becoming soft.

A part of him felt like he should be offended still. To argue. To say it wasn’t true. But… but it was true, wasn’t it…?

“… What do you fear, Yuuji?” Sukuna cupped Yuuji’s cheek. “Why do you risk getting broken all over again just to visit a town all on your own?”

Melancholy was all Sukuna saw in Yuuji’s eyes.

“Regret. I fear regret. I regret so much already… but when I face you, I don’t want to regret having missed out on the beauty the humans of this island have to offer. I don’t want to be your bride and not know what a big town looks like.”

Sukuna tilted his head again. Then he stood, smiling. Chuckling.

“All that just to see a town… Whatever you wish, brat. I’ll show you prettier sights once we are wed in my divine realm.”


Sukuna had granted Yuuji’s wish, a few hours inside one of the big towns, all to himself. He didn’t care what the brat did in that time: Nothing he could comprehend, just like he couldn’t comprehend the wish to see the town in the first place.

Sukuna had demanded a human sacrifice for the prayer to be heard and Yuuji had luck: A poor, nearly-dead beggar was just close to the road. It felt like cheating but Yuuji did give him a mercy kill, so he had to accept it.

“See ya!”

Sukuna simply waited for Yuuji to come back to him, on top of a hill.

When the sun was starting to set, Yuuji came back. He played with his fire magic. Looking happy, waving at Sukuna from a distance before running over.

“Sukuna, look!” Sukuna looked at Yuuji’s hands: He held up a little straw doll and saw that Yuuji had a few more of them inside his sleeves. Yuuji filled the doll with fire – He created a spark within the doll without causing it to burn, making it grow larger and larger until every last straw of the doll was filled and it exploded. “Neat, isn’t it? I met a few magicians who showed me how to use the fire blessing I got from you!”

“Causing things to explode. Very neat indeed. Finally a use for that blessing besides making yourself a fire each night and warming up your hands.”

“I know, right?” Yuuji looked so bright, as bright as the sparks still flying around. “These would look so pretty at night as little fireworks! … Sukuna?”

Sukuna was caught in a light trance. He couldn’t stop looking at Yuuji’s bright eyes reflecting the last rays of sunshine.

“… I like you most when covered in blood but… that smile suits you just as well.”

Yuuji was the one to tilt his head this time, eyes big.

“Well. You haven’t done anything so far to make me smile.”

“And I will continue not to, I’m afraid. Not until you are my bride.” Sukuna was sad to see the smile go. “I want you to go back to the town, now. Transform in the middle of it.” Yuuji was visibly shook, ready to argue, but Sukuna cut him off. “I didn’t forget your prayer. I won’t have you kill anyone. Transform and run back to me.”

Yuuji started to shiver, looking despaired.

“W-why…? What for?”

“… So the whole island will know what you are. They already know about the death-coloured weretiger from the ship. Now they will know the human face behind it. Even in the impossible case of you killing me, you will never be able to live a life on this island again. Everyone will know who you are. They will either fear or try to kill you. … Do you understand? If you thought you could kill me and redeem yourself, go to a village and live the life you lost? You can’t. I want that path gone. I want your bond to mortals to break.”


Yuuji did not argue. He shed a few tears and did as he was told.

He transformed inside the town. He was attacked. A few people ended up dying because Sukuna blessed his kitten with a shield that threw each weapon back at the attacker. It didn’t take Yuuji long to come running back into Sukuna’s waiting arms, crying, seeking comfort and affection like he always did when he was an instinct-driven beast.

Sukuna almost felt sorry.

“Good kitty, good boy…” Sukuna kissed Yuuji’s forehead. “I’ll make you happy soon. I’ll put a smile on your face. You don’t need these mortals. All you need is me.”


Yuuji causing Sukuna emotions is my only take away from the manga right now

Chapter 10


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sukuna had told Yuuji about his shrine: The small city inhabiting his worshippers, his high priestess Uraume and the tributes any visitor had to pay.

“Can’t you just count all the people I already killed as tribute?” Yuuji asked, annoyed about those stupid self-made rules, as if Sukuna couldn’t just change them on a whim. To his surprise, Sukuna actually caved and agreed.

“Can do, Yuuji.” Unfortunately, Sukuna picked Yuuji up bridal-style: Yuuji wanted to shriek and demand to be let go, but the cruel c*nt of a god wouldn’t let him.

“None of that now, this is a special occasion and my worshippers must know why you get this special treatment.”

To Yuuji’s horror, Sukuna summoned a gag. A bit gag, the type for horses. Yuuji ended up shrieking anyway, doing anything in his power to push Sukuna’s hand away from his face.

“And that’s how you want to introduce your bride! I’m not wearing that!”

“It’s just so you stop screaming! Also it fits because horses are prey and you are my prey!”

After another minute of fighting, Yuuji ended up biting Sukuna’s hand, determined to bite off his thumb while roasting it with his fire breath, but Sukuna managed to free himself. He looked a little disheveled and unamused.

“Alright – You won’t win the second round, got it? But I’m giving you the chance to stop screaming.”

Yuuji was feeling hot and tense, shaking from rage and embarrassment. He didn’t want to be held and paraded around as a trophy, no matter what his beastly instincts told him. But just like with anything else these past weeks he had no choice, and he’d rather do it without a horse gag.

And thus, the last walk of his long journey ended, getting carried by the god who ruined his past life.

If anything, the shrine was beautiful. And horrifying. Beautifully horrifying and horrifyingly beautiful.

The town around the shrine was surrounded by a gate made of bloodred wood with a single tori as the entrance. Guards were stationed at the tori, though they got on their knees to prostrate long before Yuuji had even spotted them. Sukuna didn’t seem to pay them any mind but Yuuji heard them mumbling, chanting prayers.

“One might think you are special or something.” Was all Yuuji had to say and really wanted to say. Sukuna’s answer was a chuckle.

“You’re so sweet, Yuuji.”

Yuuji felt the need to punch Sukuna in his perfectly chiseled jaw but just ended up crossing his arms tighter and looking away. The worshippers’ town was full of people making way and prostrating. It was so quiet yet the chanted prayers filled the air like heat and humidity on a summer’s day.

Yuuji tried to focus on his surroundings, the beautiful bloodred houses, the clean streets, the bells and decorations, but he couldn’t shake off the eerie feeling he got from all these prayers. The clear worship and devotion to this one god which formed a perfect harmony. Not one person flinched or trembled, everything was in perfect order, everyone was at a perfect angle, keeping the exact same distance to one another. Sukuna didn’t even speak or announce anything, he just walked closer and closer to the actual shrine.

Giant, bloodred, surrounded by a river of blood. Teeth were sprouting under the dark roof, making it look like a monster might come out of the dark at any moment.

Sukuna crossed a bridge where a sole priestess was kneeling on one knee, her white-haired head turned low.

“Uraume.” Sukuna spoke, at last. His tone of voice was different to the one he used for Yuuji. Deeper, louder, more commanding and monotone. “Are the preparations in order?”

“Yes, my master.” Uraume spoke without looking up. “For you and your future bride.”

Ah, so they knew already…. Yuuji rolled his eyes.

“Could have just let me walk if you had given them a heads up already.” Yuuji murmured while pouting, which Uraume heard. She didn’t look up, but she flinched a little bit and Sukuna talked to her.

“Don’t mind my bride’s smart mouth, you know how prey are.”

“Unwilling?” Yuuji said.

“Exactly, Yuuji.” Yuuji didn’t like the eyeless smug grin he was cursed to see.

Sukuna walked inside the shrine where he and Yuuji stayed while the town prepared… whatever it was Sukuna had told them to prepare.

… The shrine didn’t actually consist of much.

Yuuji was finally allowed to stand and walk on his own two feet, thank all gods but Sukuna, and he used his limited free time and reach to just check out the shrine: Light poured down from high above, one single hole in the roof letting the daylight shine through.

“That hole moves.” Sukuna explained, ever at his side. “At night, at least. It always turns to face the moon. Being allowed to transform inside this very shrine is an honour all of my worshippers strive for.”

“What do they need to be granted that honour?”

“Please me. Stand out. Get me to actually look at them.”

Yuuji frowned. “Sounds horrible.”

Sukuna sighed. “Aw, Yuuji, you know nothing about the existence of a god. I did not create any mortals or anything in the mortal realm. I have no obligations to any of this. My title as the god of the hunt is just what you mortals describe me with, the closest of definitions for my domain. I mess with this mortal realm to clear away any boredom and its you humans who seek out my attention.” Yuuji watched Sukuna grin and laugh while moving his head from side to side. “Seeking my attention instead of a favour from the god who created the lot of you… the god who actually cares. It never fails to amuse me. Mortals are such a self-destructing lot. Honestly, having the choice taken from you, Yuuji, is a kindness.”

Yuuji had never heard of a god that created them. All this one island knew was Sukuna, because Sukuna wanted it so, wasn’t that the truth?

“… I did choose.” Yuuji said, voice firm. “You had offered me a life free from you, remember?”

Sukuna’s ever moving neck came to a halt and his lips pursed. “Hm, yes. I remember. But I knew well enough you’d never choose that freedom.”


The shrine reminded Yuuji of an arena, which was obvious, since it was an arena. This was where he and Sukuna would fight. The ground was even and made out of stone. The walls were decorated with those giant teeth and pictures depicting Sukuna in the form Yuuji had seen in his dreams: Four eyes, four arms, with different weapons in hand. The moon cycles were painted above him, always in bloodred. One wall was decorated with an actual shrine, a beautiful silver idol statue, though it didn’t look like Sukuna. Instead, it had a round shape with four eyes carved into it.

“Is that what you actually look like?”

“No, it’s just meant to be symbolic. You mortals wouldn’t be able to comprehend me anyway.”

“Not even me when I’m with you as your bride?”

“Not even you.”

It seemed that Sukuna had enough of walking around the shrine with Yuuji: He simply picked Yuuji up and sat down with his back facing the idol, holding Yuuji in his lap. Yuuji didn’t even struggle, knowing it would be fruitless effort.

“…” … “What are your worshippers preparing?”

“Our fight will be at midnight.” Sukuna said, sounding serious for once. Yuuji tensed up for a second, knowing the inevitable was so close. “Before that, we’ll have a feast. You can choose how many of my worshippers as your meal as you like. It will be an honour for them to die by your hands, to have their body be consumed by my bride. Their souls will come to my realm where they can hunt for all eternity. They will be close to you, your own little pets, doesn’t that sound nice?”

“No.” Yuuji felt Sukuna rolling his eyes. “I don’t even know them. Also, how many people do you think I can eat in one night?”

“You won’t have to eat their entire body, brat. Just a nibble.”

“… Would I be allowed to have a nibble from all of them?”

“… All of them?”

Yuuji chose his words carefully. “Yes. Don’t you think I could take them all in a fight?”

“… You could. I’m certain you could.” The grip around Yuuji’s waist became tighter, Sukuna’s upper body dipped down to press against Yuuji’s back. “Do you really want to…?”

Yuuji heard the excitement in Sukuna’s voice. Good. The god didn’t take offense to Yuuji’s idea.

“Yuuji, I always wondered what makes you tick.” Sukuna touched Yuuji’s head and face, gentle caresses with the soft pads of his fingers. His sharp claws were ever-present in Yuuji’s vision. “Why do you think so highly of other humans? Why don’t you consider my beasts the same, even though you are one of them?”

“… Is this about all the questions you ask me when I’m a beast, curled all around you?” Yuuji tried to look behind him, saw Sukuna’s beautiful red eyes. He hadn’t noticed that Sukuna got rid of his deer skull crown.

Sukuna looked surprised for some reason, a little bashful even. The look didn’t suit him at all, and yet Yuuji felt warmth spread around his face at the sight: Adorable.

“You remember all that?”

“Of course I do.” Yuuji kept looking at Sukuna. “I remember not having any answers as a beast. Not even understanding what the hell you are always talking about. … But I remember the questions and was never sure if you ever wanted an answer.”

Sukuna regarded him for a long moment. He almost looked saddened.

“I don’t know that either.” Sukuna turned Yuuji’s face around to look back straight ahead, breaking off their eye contact. “Maybe I never wanted to admit that I don’t understand you.”

“Why do you feel pride about that?”


Yuuji allowed himself to relax, to lean into Sukuna’s broad chest.

“Why do you think you should understand me? You are a god over one domain, this one specific thing. Why should you comprehend anything beyond that?” Yuuji felt Sukuna tense up, so he quickly added: “I’m not insulting you! I know you are a higher being than me. But you said it yourself: You had no hand in the creation of us mortals. We gave you the title of god of the hunt as that concept fits you best. It is one concept out of many.”

Yuuji looked up and reached for Sukuna’s head. He gently pulled on Sukuna’s soft hair, urging him to look into his eyes.

“Sukuna… I exist outside of your domain. I have feelings and ideas outside of it. That’s what you don’t seem to get and… why you don’t understand me.”

Yuuji didn’t speak with any heat in his voice. That was just a fact.

Sukuna tilted his head as always, but Yuuji reached with his other arm too, holding Sukuna’s head in a firm grip and pushing him further down while reaching up himself, trying to find Sukuna’s lips with his own.

Just one chaste kiss.

Yuuji relaxed right after, letting his arms fall down. He stared back straight ahead, breaking the eye contact.

“… Yuuji, what was that for?”

“I don’t know.” … “I don’t understand myself either.”

It was getting darker and darker while Yuuji fell asleep in Sukuna’s warm hold around him.

He woke up through a firm touch on his face.

“Yuuji. The sun will set soon.” Yuuji took a few seconds to open his eyes but felt energized right after. He wanted to get up but Sukuna’s hold was firm. “Do you want to transform or hunt my worshippers as a human?”

Yuuji blinked up at Sukuna.

He hadn’t thought about that….

“I want to fight you as a human, that’s for sure. … Would you like it more if I killed your worshippers as a beast?”

Sukuna tilted his head. His eyes caught the setting sunlight, reflecting it. “I can turn you back after you are done. Bathe you, clothe you in an attire worthy as both a warrior and my bride to be. It would just be us.” Sukuna drew closer, kissing Yuuji’s forehead.

“… Alright. I’ll transform. Any other thing I should know about?”

“Hm… actually, yes. Don’t nibble on Uraume. She wouldn’t appreciate being your pet in her afterlife. She served me so well for years, she deserves this.”

Yuuji couldn’t help but laugh. “Wow, at least one worshipper you care about.”

Sukuna watched Yuuji transform into the powerful weretiger he was.

Just like the last time, Yuuji came close, wanting a hug, a head pat, a few gentle rubs near his jaw. But this time, no despair was coming forth. No sadness. Yuuji wanted to do this and Sukuna let him.

… It was such a beautiful sight.

Sukuna was seated on a throne made for him, watching Yuuji fight off one worshipper after another. He used his fire blessing even as a beast, used the little straw doll trick to kill his opponents: Caused a fire inside their bodies that grew stronger and hotter, until their bodies burned down in a fiery explosion. Others he sliced apart and used their blood to choke out the flames.

Yuuji was truly the strongest. Stronger than any beast before him. Not even Uraume as a were-ice bear stood a chance.

The moonlight reflected so beautifully on the blood which spread through all streets, mixing in with the red wood. The splatters blurred the line between buildings and ground and the reflected moonlight added such an ethereal vision. Sukuna couldn’t help but sigh as he watched this otherworldly canvas being painted by his favourite, his adorable kitten, his future bride. His little town didn’t even look like it belonged to the mortal realm anymore: It felt like a piece of his divine realm, as if Yuuji carved into it, expanded it, created his own little bubble that Sukuna just needed to elevate. And he would.

Sukuna walked on the sea of blood Yuuji created. His feet were completely submerged. His steps weren’t straight or firm. He felt drunk. His eyes were just on Yuuji, who was curling into himself, into a wet fluff ball. Not out of fear, he was just being bashful. Embarrassed. Blushing.

Sukuna reached his sweet kitten, held him, kissed him, carried him in his arms until he turned back into the small human he was. Naked and covered in blood from head to toe, their lips glued together. The taste of so many different blood types stuck to Yuuji’s tongue, with none outshining the sweetness that belonged to Yuuji only, which Sukuna drew out with a bite. Yuuji bit him in return and Sukuna chuffed to share his own blood this way, straight into Yuuji’s mouth.

Sukuna had never felt like this. … Whatever he went through, it wasn’t part of his domain.

All he knew was just how much he wanted Yuuji: He wanted his soul, his sweetness. He wanted to see him close by for all eternity. He wanted him carnally, eat him, consume him, f*ck him, breed him. He wanted, needed every part of his beloved. His lovely death-coloured hair, the gold of his eyes, the strength of his muscles, the softness of his skin. The perfect painting of bloodlust he just created for Sukuna to enjoy. That was part of his domain.

Sukuna held Yuuji up, above him.

“Yuuji… what do you wish for?” Sukuna wanted to gift him something. Needed to. “Something outside of my domain, something from your world. Your reality. Tell me what it is and I will grant it.”

Yuuji was out of breath. Sukuna used nothing but a handwave to get rid of the blood on his face, giving way to the wonderful flush painting his cheeks. Yuuji looked as drunk as Sukuna felt, eyes glossy and pupils blown wide.

“Just… just give me back what you stole from me. Make me feel welcome and appreciated. Make me laugh. Let me take care of you. Give me children. Give me a home… just love me.”

Yuuji teared up, his tears falling on Sukuna’s face, rolling down as if they were his own.

Sukuna drew Yuuji close, his hold tight and warm.

“Of course. I love you, Yuuji. I will defeat you. Kill you gently. Take your soul to my realm on a path of bloodred roses.”

A soft chuckle escaped his beloved.

“… Not if I get rid of you first.”


Thought this might also be a good place to end the story with an open ending, but NO, I have an ending in mind and want to reach it ÒvÓ

Chapter 11


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was midnight when they both stood inside the shrine.

“Thank you, Sukuna.” Yuuji looked up the whole time during their bath, while Sukuna clothed him, right up before their fight. Through the moving hole inside the shrine’s ceiling. “That I got to see the night as a human again. And one last time….”

“Right.” Sukuna mused, looking up just the same. The moon was full, gifting them with golden rays. “That’s the peace you had talked about once, right?”

“Yes. Exactly.”

Yuuji had such an ethereal look on him, mirroring the night itself in his dreamy sigh. He’d only look more beautiful, supraliminal, once his soul set foot inside Sukuna’s realm.

Before their fight, Sukuna changed his form: Off with the flesh and into the fitting spectre made of his own divine essence. He used Yuuji’s death-coloured hair for this, making sure it would match his beloved in strength and abilities, offering a fair duel.

Yuuji soon stopped his gaze at the night and prepared to fight. Sukuna loved to see it from this angle, loved to see Yuuji use nothing but his fists.

“Did you just get rid of your flesh suit?”

“It wouldn’t have lasted long against you, I’m afraid. I had used a weak vessel. This is supposed to be fair, after all.”

Yuuji gifted Sukuna with a smile: “You mean this whole time I could have killed your fleshy self? Would have offered a lot more peace of mind.”

Sukuna didn’t summon any weapons, he didn’t even think about using cleaves and dismantling: He wanted to feel Yuuji beneath him. “I would have returned, no worries.”

They didn’t have an audience. It was just them alone.

Yuuji attacked first.

Sukuna was able to feel Yuuji’s strength in full. It coursed and vibrated through his spectre and reached his real form all the way in his divine realm. The smallest of sensation, a tingle, and yet more than he had ever felt before. Yuuji’s attacks didn’t limit themselves to just the mortal realm, they aimed as high as his goals.

Heh. Sukuna smiled. Maybe the brat talking about wanting to kill him wasn’t too delusional after all.

Sukuna’s spectres could always feel, offer the phantom of pressure, tension, pain. All he had felt inside flesh was but a scratch on thick armour, what he felt right now was just shy of breaking skin. Fingers digging deep within his tissue and stroking his being, the matter he was made of.

He loved it.

Yuuji used fire, tried to burn him. Tried to burn him from within and failed. Sukuna’s clothes caught fire and were put down by the speed he used to tear Yuuji down.

He loved to feel pain, and he loved to cause it.

Sukuna loved feeling the impact of his own strength breaking Yuuji: Leaving bruises, causing cuts, causing lost blood. Sukuna broke bones. The delight he felt upon hearing Yuuji’s grunts and screams of pain was beyond reason. Yuuji had never felt pain like this before, and yet he continued!

Sukuna had his own losses – Yuuji ripped his left arm off. He crushed one eye with a kick. It was a feeling beyond Sukuna’s own comprehension, something utterly new and foreign despite it all being part of his domain. Not once had he been anything but a hunter, and Yuuji came close breaking him into prey.

Sukuna was getting sloppy, not because of the injuries he already suffered, but because he didn’t want this fight to end. He wanted to continue, he wanted more pain. He wanted to feel Yuuji. He craved to touch him, dig deep into his wounds and bruises and draw out cries of agony, and he wanted Yuuji to do the same to him.

Yuuji ripped Sukuna’s deer skull crown off his head and slammed the antlers between his throat and collar bone. He even ripped it off right after to let blood rain down on him!

Sukuna returned the favour by grabbing Yuuji’s head and slamming it into the ground, causing cracks!

… Ah, these were the beginning of the fight’s last moments.

Yuuji struggled to keep standing, walking backwards, close to Sukuna’s idol. He looked absolutely ravaged, blood dripping down with every breath. Sukuna wasn’t done yet but Yuuji was.

“My beloved…” Sukuna spoke, walking closer with slow and heavy steps. “Do I need to rip your soul out of your body? Or will you allow me the honour of leading you to my divine realm on top of rose pedals…?”

Sukuna’s voice was so soft-spoken, a sigh in each syllable. He felt so drunk again, feverish even, like his whole mind was on fire and burned to soft ashes.

Yuuji was panting while blood poured out of his mouth with every exhale. He could hardly stand and supported himself on the pedestal.

“… It’s winter you dumbass… roses don’t bloom yet.”

“So you prefer the violent path?”

“What makes you think I would give up now?” Yuuji didn’t look angry, sad, or anything else. … He smiled. Reached out to Sukuna with his arm outstretched. “Just come.”

Sukuna was almost there. The heat inside him grew with each step. Soon. Soon he’ll have Yuuji in his grasp…!

“This idol of yours…” Sukuna almost stopped in his tracks. “It’s what connects you to the mortal realm, is it not?”

… Something was wrong.

Sukuna reached Yuuji, drawing him close and away from the idol.

“It is.” Yuuji felt heavy, leaning his weight against Sukuna’s chest. “If you wanted to destroy it, you missed your chance.”

Yuuji let out a sweet laugh. A little giggle. Sukuna saw his bloodshot golden eyes, his giant pupils, the adorable grin on his face.

“Ha… Come on, I came for a fight, not to cheat.” … Sukuna calmed down. Looking at Yuuji, touching his cheek and wiping the blood away, he wondered why he tensed up in the first place. “I… I wanted to beat you up so badly. Bruise you. Break you. I got that satisfaction. I don’t want to bring any regrets to your realm, remember…?”

Sukuna saw the light fading from Yuuji’s eyes. His body losing warmth. Seemed he wouldn’t have to rip out his soul after all….

“Shh. You can talk once we are on the other side.”

Yuuji took his last breaths. Sukuna already felt his soul leaving his body, moving into his palm. He’d make this a lovely journey. Show Yuuji all his divine realm had to offer before settling on his throne. He promised him a wedding night and he would not disappoint, hehad waited so long to finally make Yuuji his, in soul, in body, claim his stake and make him divine-

Something was wrong.

Yuuji’s body went cold, he died, his soul was Sukuna’s for the taking, but it turned scorchingly hot-


White was all Sukuna saw for a long moment before… before he saw the galaxies above his divine realm. The giant red moon, the star formations he placed and crafted himself. All the pain and other physical feelings were gone, he was fully back in his original, divine form.

… B-but…! His spectre didn’t die! It was never destroyed, why…! He would have known! He would have felt it…! Besides, the journey from the mortal realm to his own was never this swift! It was a damn journey! A path existed that he had to take! The path through his idol- his idol. His idol….

Loud laughter filled Sukuna’s ears.


Yuuji, his soul, was lying inside Sukuna’s arms.

He looked like the best version of his mortal body. Nothing but beauty, everything was perfect. His hair, his skin, his eyes. He wore nothing other than the divine glow Sukuna’s own being covered him with.

And he was laughing…!

Sukuna ignored him for the moment and moved his hands – He needed to see Shuryo. His island. His oldest shrine-


… Sukuna could look through all his other shrines scattered around the mortal realm, on the mainland, but not through the one on Shuryo…!

He had a small thought of contacting Uraume and his other worshippers, ordering them to check on the idol, to rebuild the shrine if necessary but- but they were all dead…! Yuuji killed all of them and Sukuna watched it happen with glee…!

“What did you do…!”

Sukuna was forced to acknowledge Yuuji’s loud laughter.

“The straw doll trick, ‘Kuna!”

Sukuna moved Yuuji in his arms, holding him up at eye level. A painful buzz went through his divine body, a trembling tension close to snapping. The urge to rip into Yuuji was strong, to just let his rage consume him, until the words registered.

The straw doll trick.

Filling a body with fire from the inside until it explodes.

“You…” Sukuna could hardly believe the damage his own voice took. He could hardly speak above a whisper…! “You let your own body explode…?”

Yuuji was smiling at him. Grinning. Like some lowly jester, moving his head from side to side while making insolent noises.

“Hm! Yes!” He giggled again, looking cute while only increasing Sukuna’s ire. “All this time, you offered me the perfect solution on how to get rid of you! You told me how your influence is the strongest around your shrine! You showed me the idol and I knew you could never set foot on Shuryo once it’s gone! I promised you didn’t I?”

Yuuji moved his arms, his hands touching Sukuna’s face.

“I promised you I would rid Shuryo from your influence. And I did.”


… Sukuna lost the strength in his arms. He let go of Yuuji, putting him on the ground before sitting down himself. All tension left him to be replaced by heavy weights bringing him down. He could hardly feel his body, nothing felt whole, everything seemed to flow out of him….

He couldn’t believe this.

He won their duel. He brought Yuuji to his divine realm. And yet he lost….

“Was….” Sukuna could hardly bring the words out, refusing to look at Yuuji. “Was your wish a lie…?” Yuuji had wished for Sukuna to love him and he was all too willing to grant it…! He wanted to love Yuuji…! And yet…!

And yet… he felt betrayed. Heartbroken. … He was afraid that Yuuji wouldn’t be happy with him, too attached to the mortal realm, and he thought he had finally closed that door. He thought all would be fine now, Yuuji was ready to accept life as his bride, accept his love for him.

He didn’t think that he’d get tricked like this. Fooled. Used. Did Yuuji just pretend to accept him so Sukuna lowered his guard…? Did their kiss mean nothing…!

“Eyes up, Sukuna.”

Sukuna was startled when he felt warm hands on his chin, pushing it up. Yuuji used his thumbs to rub under Sukuna’s eyes, all four of them. … He wiped away tears.

“My wish wasn’t a lie.”

Sukuna looked up, his vision blurry. Yuuji’s eyes were moons all to themselves. Shining golden, like the moon upon the mortal realm.

Yuuji got on his knees, his hands never leaving Sukuna’s face. He was still smiling but he didn’t look cruel. His laughter felt cruel but his smile wasn’t. It was soft. Calming.


“I’m here with no regrets. You got what you wanted. I am here with no attachments to the mortal realm. All because I left it with no regrets.”

Sukuna still had tears flow down his face, even though Yuuji’s words made him feel better. He was still furious and hurt. To destroy his oldest shrine like this, to rip him from his own island…!

“You’re mean, Yuuji.” Sukuna had to bring his own hands to his face to wipe his tears away. He hated how weak his voice was and he hated how miserable he felt. He had never felt this horrible before. His entire existence was nothing but boredom and the occasional fun and pleasure. But never horrible.

But Yuuji was still here. Embracing him. Giving him head pats, scratching him under his jaw, ruffling through his hair.

“Part of my wish was that I’ll take care of you. You never lost something before, did you? I’ll help you through that grief.”

“I don’t want to grieve.”

“I didn’t want to grieve either, but that’s what must happen after suffering loss. I’d know.”

Sukuna sniffled. Yuuji ripped a piece of cloth from Sukuna’s attire to clean his nose. This was pathetic…. And still, Sukuna didn’t want Yuuji to leave. Yuuji caused him to feel horrible but Sukuna knew this already.

Yuuji caused him to feel many things, both good and bad. And after making him feel this immense loss, he’ll be the one to make him feel better…!

Sukuna hugged Yuuji with his lower set of arms, grabbing Yuuji’s wrist to keep them on his head, urging him to continue the soft caresses.

“I hate you… I won’t wed you until you make me feel good again.”

“Aw,” Yuuji felt so wonderful. Sukuna would never let go, no matter how much it hurt. “But you promised to wed and bed me on your throne, didn’t you?”

Sukuna whined: “… Not now, when I feel better…!”

“Alright, alright… I’ll let you love me later, and I’ll love you now, okay?”


Yuuji was content.

… At last, he redeemed himself. He rid the land of Sukuna’s influence. Some were-creatures were sure to remain and Sukuna could contact them, but what could they do? Yuuji had killed and eaten so many of them that he wouldn’t be surprised that only a handful remained. The people will be able to hunt them down now that their god isn’t protecting them anymore.

And their god, Sukuna… Yuuji loved him. He made his peace with that.

Sukuna wanted to shower him with appreciation so badly, why deny it? Yuuji had no one else, just Sukuna, and Sukuna loved him so much. His eyes were filled with devotion. He was heartbroken about losing his favourite island, but if Yuuji could get over the loss of his village, then Sukuna could get over his own loss too.


Extra smut chapter coming whenever-


Thanks for making it this far, I hope you enjoyed Sukuna crying like a baby, see you next time! Or just go to my other fics, I got a few-

This took a different turn than my outline - Most of it is the same, but Sukuna was supposed to be a complete asshole throughout. I guess he actually still is a complete asshole throughout, but somehow I added this... inability to comprehend certain human emotions? Inability to make sense of Yuuji? He is cruel being but also a being who had never once cared for the full spectrum of human life. And now he cared for this one human and tried to understand, to find things like romance and peace in his own domain. And at last he was forced to go through the same thing he had Yuuji suffer through: Loss. Just a little bit of betrayal. But he doesn't reflect on the fact that he feels the same thing Yuuji had gone through, no, he just wants Yuuji to make him feel better as if its his duty as the one who caused him this misery in the first place.

It was definitely fun and interesting to write this! Figuring out how Sukuna could be romantic but only through the lense of hunting and killing was thrilling! He is cute in his own way, at least to me :D

And as I tend to say, you are free to draw fanart! Please anyone I crave fanart of me fics, I can't do this all on my own-


And yeah, I hope I can write a smut chapter soon enough-

Your path into bloodlust - BaeBeyza - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.